Lol Square Enix didn't nerf Tifa in the Remake

>lol Square Enix didn't nerf Tifa in the Remake

Attached: original_glory.png (1280x896, 869.91K)

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Someone make a webm of this scene with the time jannies floating around.

Why is this so appealing despite the technical limitations?

Because youre a fucking coomer

Tifa was perfect.

this is what our ancient ancestors were fapping to. hot female imagery is hot.

Attached: paleolithic_porn.jpg (250x368, 56.83K)

The character design was good.

I would beat every fucking Tifautist to death with a brick if I could. I probably wouldn't even get jail time, I'd get a parade in my honor.

Compare it to her character design and not the CG cutscenes where everyone is off-model

>Compare it to her character design
that is her character design, retard


>off-model cutscene done out-of-house

The problem is that tifa's tits were lumps of fat, they were always excessive that's what they were going for, but we've gotten realitic proportions with the remake, but square forgot that they were creating a j-rpg the last kind of game you want realism in.

Attached: SEETHINGmass.png (816x636, 745.36K)

Buddy I'm not the one crying about the remake

Attached: seething mass.png (510x383, 50.21K)

why yes i also love my women with giant heads, giant legs, deformed body, balloon tits and no torso compared to the rest of the body

Attached: skinnerthinksur.png (800x450, 358.47K)

God I miss FF7

>becomes visual works studio

I'm not going to be crying when it comes to PC and the mods make them EVEN BIGGER

Attached: FF7R_w_mods.png (1163x1080, 1.57M)

>Tifa totally had bigger boobs in the original, you guys
>No, I'm not going to post any other FMV scenes that she was in
>Just this one frame from one scene on a shaking airship three discs into the original game

Based, based, and based.

Playing a 60 hour game just to see big tits in two CGI cutscenes feels like cuck shit.

In the remake Tifa is at least consistent and frequently present.

>i-i-i-it's just that one scene
Her tits still extend out to her elbows in this scene, too, you utter nigger

Attached: Tifa_tits_still_huge.png (1513x1033, 1.99M)

It’s the same shit. She only looks big during the corneo parts.

Tifa needs a bigger tummy too


I swear my game is bugged because her tits look way larger than any screenshots I've seen. I have no complaints.

y'know, sometimes you need a little constraint and say:
some tits are too big, enough is enough

They did but its modest. She is still stacked just easier for 3d modelers to deal with.


Attached: EVGILUUXkAAEnVn.jpg (1300x1800, 215.76K)

>concept art Tifa isn't the real Tifa
>official artwork Tifa isn't the real Tifa
>battle model Tifa isn't the real Tifa
>field model Tifa isn't the real Tifa
>but the Tifa you see in some CG cutscenes for a combined total of 20 seconds is the real Tifa

Attached: 1587265966766.jpg (604x680, 40.53K)

>being this upset about vidya
Revaluate your life