VII remake

It's a very good game, it has some flaws but it's one of the most enjoyable games I have played, I hope they address criticism for the second chapter

Attached: Tifa-Final-Fantasy-7-Remake.jpg (1160x653, 94.03K)

Attached: FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE_20200418140720.png (1920x1080, 2.37M)

I agree user it's my fave FF since FFX, I really don't think they are going to change the plot significantly. We'll see

FFVII is too dated in many ways to get a remaster. You can't remaster pre-rendered back grounds into full 3d environments. Otherwise I didn't want the game fucked with

Yup, I got hooked and couldn't stop playing

Attached: Final-Fantasy-7-Remake-Aerith-Honey-Bee-Inn-ds1-1340x1340.jpg (1340x670, 86.85K)

It's Sephiroth stabbing barret twice during Midgard not big enough of a change for you?

Aerith and Cloud can enjoy their date but she must die in the end. That's at least half of why the game is so memorable.

Also, Tifa loved Cloud. Aerith loved Zack and Cloud's impersonation of Zack.


Then how would you propose getting a remake of a game that is a huge overhaul in graphics and looks and still expect it to fit into the same story narrative? Especially when we get into more open world ideas?
I mean the game did great with some of the more iconic monsters like the Hell House and Sawfish but everything in the game had a logical conclusion as to why they were an enemy and why they looked the way it did.
Except for Hedgepies. Fuck all knows what they are.
The point is, however, even a complete graphical overhaul would make it just a remaster. The new fighting system, and story beats/themes make it a remake.

>Then how would you propose getting a remake of a game that is a huge overhaul in graphics and looks and still expect it to fit into the same story narrative? Especially when we get into more open world ideas?
I can think of a million ways that don't involve time ghosts

PC version is gonna make a 9/10 to a 11/10
I honestly cant wait

The base game is good enough, it only needs QoL improvements, even better graphics and stuff for the nostalgia

Is there a remake of any game ever that is so heavily praised by those who despise the game it's based on.

Seriously I've NEVER seen ANY remake praised by saying "Thank God, it's not like the original. Fuck that shit."

>I really don't think they are going to change the plot significantly
>Unknown Journey
>Kills fate

I’d be very interested to know what the Japanese thought of it.
Imagine the critics publicly fellated it, but the changes had to rubbed many autizmos the wrong way.

I mean I'm fine with that. The ghosts didn't make or break my experience and I couldn't give fuck all about the ghosts as the story itself, the core of the story, is still intact.
I'm not dissing on you either I'm more than happy to hear about alternative ways the story could have went.


>the core of the story, is still intact
There is no reason to believe that part 2 won't shatter it into a million pieces before it's even halfway done

Japanese are basically the same as the west
Some love it, some hate it.

"Very faithful indeed"
Every single major plot point in the game is there. The only difference is the time jannies needing to be put down at the end of the game.
Two reactors blown up? Check.
Cloud meets Aerith? Check
Sector 7 gets a plate dropped on it? Check
Hojo is a creepy fuck that wants to make bestiality porn? Double Check
President Shinra shanked? Checked
And several more were hit beat for beat.
From the perspective of the storyline it is very faithful indeed.

There will be shake-ups here and there. This I have no doubt. But as I posted to someone from the last thread here: I would be very surprised if they are not using the original story as a frame work and just throwing in new things here and there while keeping things accurate to the original story.
Will see Palmer get hit by a truck? I have no god damn idea. If Honeybee Inn is anything to surmise though whatever is changed in these minor plot points they will be handled well.

If Sephiroth has knowledge of how the original game turns out. he will be compelled to push major changes on the heroes, and that's not even considering Zack's role

This is all before killing the Fate arbiter. After that everything is open to change and will.

>Hojo is a creepy fuck that wants to make bestiality porn? Double Check
He wants to make SOLDIERs bang Aerith, not Red XIII.

>Will see Palmer get hit by a truck? I have no god damn idea.
Im fucking sure as fuck they will. If they keep stupid shit like wall market in general, soldiers acting like stools, palmer getting hit by a truck is literally nothing.

>I really don't think they are going to change the plot significantly.
That they are going to do just that is the entire point of the ending. Aerith even breaks the fourth wall talking about the terrifying freedom that lies ahead.

Yes, I agree user. Alot of people don't seem to remember the time ghost from the Original. I'm glad Nomura is giving them a much larger role this time.

You know that the ghosts are supposed to be related to the original game events and being part of the lore of ff7 and not just something completely different and out of the main story right

It doesn't fucking matter you stupid nigger.They shouldn't be there at all.

You're right, that was changed. I just saw Hojo state something about "cross breeding" and assumed he meant with Red.
He's already pushed major changes on the heroes already. that's going to be the point. The core story is still going to be there along with a lot of story beats but there will be major shake-ups for old fans, and new, to experience all new. I'm excited for that.

All they needed to do was everything they did minus ghosts, then tone down Roche a bit, as well as the Sephiroth fight if they need to keep it, to make it believable that Cloud can’t just insta kill the Zolom.

You now mako is ghosts right? This has always been a thing.