Why does this game feel soulless compared to VII or IX

Why does this game feel soulless compared to VII or IX

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Kill yourself

Fucking why

It doesn't you have shit taste. IX is the soulless self referential garbage that can't take itself seriously enough

Balamb garden is nothing BUT soul OP

This music, the characters, the setting, it all just has zero personality. It’s a bunch of technobabble. It feels like XIII

does it?

Because they fucked up the graphics by only updating the main characters and completely fucking ignoring the other 99% of the game.

It's just shitheads in panic mode trying to shit on the idea of 8 getting a remake, because they know that 8 is most likely to get it if one happens beyond 7.

Nothing should get a remake. 7 shouldn't even have.

do you mean ff8 in general or the remaster specifically/

Ff8. I feel like these three games have the same problems. Except FFX had music to save it

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>This music, the characters, the setting, it all just has zero personality
>Balamb Garden
>Squall is better than Cloud

Balamb Garden is so fucking stupid looking
Squall is more annoying than Cloud in hour 1

X's battle theme is enough to put me off from playing it again. It also has the worst transition into battle on top of the theme.

Get the fuck out with your shit taste, OP. VIII is maximum soul.

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It was rushed

Because Nojima can't write worth a shit and Kitase sucks dick as a director

8 feels weird. Its almost dream like

It has tons of soul, its just not your particular taste in aesthetic, story, and characterization. But to say it doesn't have soul and good things about it (lets ignore junctioning/draw for a second), is ridiculous.

It's not soulless, it's just the black sheep of the PS1 trinity for not being as good. Where 7 and 9 are constantly held as high points of the series, 8 is just kind of there.

I’m playing it now for the first time and it feels bland compared to 7 and 9, Squall is cool though. Junctioning and GFs are too autistic desu. The environments (outside of the world view obviously) are really nice

It feels it

See I always felt that way about 9 myself. 7 is always the top dog, but 8 always had Squall (which really is mostly only remembered because of KH), but 9 to me, friends, etc. always felt like this weird black sheep that was just there because it was after 8 and in a time when a lot of people were starting to become pre-teens and teens and was just lost to the wayside during the end days of the PS1. FFX was remembered because of PS2 and its graphics.

>self referential
You don't even know what that means. You don't even understand the sentence you just typed. No one should listen to you.

elaborate, use your words.

Yas Forums doesn't know how to use words properly. Hell someone just the other day argued that using a word based on its dictionary meaning was stupid and wrong. Not even kidding.

VIII has one of the best OSTs in FF though.

>FF7: Themes about humanity and their relationship with the planet
>FF9: Themes of life and death rying to make the most of your time alive
>FF8: Themes about... time loop?

Is there someone in this thread that likes IX that isn't a soulless animal? I'll believe you if you say that you are fully human, but I have a pretty strong suspicion that everyone that likes IX isn't really capable of inner life and might be too afraid of this question to answer.

I like VIII's OST. X is hit and miss; but the battle theme is torture.

Everyone who played IX is busy battling depression.

FFVIII is great, my only complaint is that it has the Japanese schoolshit obsession, FF games are usually good at avoiding that.

FF8 has themes about love, letting go of the past/future and living in the present, and the inevitability of death and loss while coming to terms with ones self. It's more about the psychological emotions of a human than it is anything.

Maybe you're on to something. I was in the depths of depression when I played it.

It's also about destiny, or the lackthereof, and how the belief of an inescapable future can lead to you creating the very circumstances that create that destiny.

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9 was the first one I played I think that’s probably why I like it so much

That too. It's actually a very beautifully written game that benefits a lot due to the idea of fate and the time loop, along with each character's personal insecurities and problems that give rise to everything as well. You can argue for the R=U theory, but the game works either with or without it, and both make beautiful nuanced sense.

People don't give FFVIII enough credit, it goes over a lot of people's heads and they just get confused.