"Honestly, all other protagonists are embarrassing"

Imagine being a Trails fan...

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Like actually imagine it

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No but really imagine

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Guess there's no point playing these either

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"(Hehe, he's more calm and philosophical looking than I thought)"
The line is taken out of context, that said it's still kinda hamfisted, but what girl wouldn't suck Rean's dick on first sight haha...

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And we all know how much Renne loves sucking dick.

They knew what they were doing by giving her the dreamy face about Rean. It's really gratuitous at this point but I hear Japanese fans can't stop eating it up.

i don't mind Rean

too far

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not far enough

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get out.
or kneel

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>Hey thanks Joshua! I was afraid I'd never be able to fully rub Rean's cum into my hair.

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user NO

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Speaking of Rean and Lightning being birds of a feather, which character do you think strocks their creator's ego more?

>a creator's masturbatory self insert who puts most fanfic mary sues to shame while single handedly derailed the previous 5 games in the series while creating a 5+ long series of his own


>a creator so devoted to his waifu he made a trilogy for her while making his waifu a literal goddess, gives her a dress up mechanic, gives her the power to enter our reality so he can fantasize about making her his literal waifu

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Hello /fg/

Probably lightning because Toriyama just straight up admits that she's his self-created waifu unabashedly. Kondom at least tries to pretend Rean is a real character, or has deluded himself into believing he is. Also Lightning is a Mary Sue within her own games as well, meanwhile Rean is actually less Mary Sue than at least two other characters so far (Aurelia and Towa)


I think you're underestimating the power of Rean. FF fans got sick of Lightning internationally and the XIII brand, the "Fabula Nova Crystalis", got cut entirely because of burn-out.
Meanwhile Rean is selling like hot cakes in Japans. Fans can't get enough because trash taste and the success has led Falcom games, not just kiseki, to revamping other titles just to appeal to the new market. Ys and Xanadu suffered because of this (well, Xanadu did. Never played Ys's last game since they made brolic Adol into a waifish bishi).

Rean has ruined all of Falcom and retroactively ruined every Kiseki before him since the myopic geniuses never made protections against the potentiality that one day their perpetually running grand intercontinental opus could be overwritten by one writer's vicious skin-tearing masturbation.

>inb4 someone posts muh profit, muh sales
Are you a marketer, faggot? Do I look like I got stocks in Falcom? I don't care about the profits and neither should you. If it was just about profits then GO make a gacha game you retard
I just want a good game where I can open its box and not have some self-indulgent developer's jizz spilling out.

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Hello schizo-user

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I dropped CS1 for a year after 10 hours of Rean and all the fucking cliché anime characters. But then I start playing again and the worldbuilding is fairly intersting, some characters even starting growing on me.
And Rean... I don't care at this point, I just accepted that he is the fucking hero of all times and move on. Im playing CS2 right now.

Laura best girl

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>Kondom at least tries to pretend
No he doesn't. He's just not stupid. If he outright comes out with a neon lit sign of his husbando like Toriyama did for his waifu then everyone would see it for what it is even in Japan.
He's playing the long game here, dragging things out and sucking everything into the Rean hole to get more sick yen.

If you like worldbuilding why not play the better games instead? Also I don't see how Laura can be the best when every Class VII girl is objectively complete garbage.


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Rean would be a perfectly acceptable character if he wasn't also simultaneously a harem VN protagonist. If you reduced his possible romance options to one and didn't leave it open to player choice his story is much fucking stronger and every other character doesn't have their development directly tied to how much of his dick they can take.
No one has ever actually posted screenshots or translations of the supposed Rean/Estelle shipping. It doesn't happen.

How are you fuckers more autistic than KH fans?

I don't know, a friend recommend me Cold Steel and I tried it. Nothing else to it.

So your retarded friend recommended you to start a story with the sixth entry and you obliged? Do you have a brain?

Seethe, you wasted thousands of hours on this series you hate and you're never going to get it back. In fact you sound like an /fg/ autist so chances are you're going to waste thousands more in the future.


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Rean mindbroke the trails fanbase harder than hartman breaking Renne's loli cunny, haha...

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i don't get it
is this like hthe tails eme

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You need to have autism to enjoy these games in the first place. Add that in with a general that's lower quality than a gacha general and you have a massive pile of shit.

He said that anyone could start by Cold Steel. And from what I played, it's true. I don't feel I'm missing much by starting with CS. I mean, obviously other things happen outside CS's story, but I didn't find relevant to understand what's going on in CS.

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Coping harder than Renne right now.

I kneel.

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>He said that anyone could start by Cold Steel
Sure, if you don't care about worldbuilding or plot and just want anime schoolgirl waifus, considering the plot literally requires you to play the previous arcs to understand anything about it once the civil war arc concludes. Plus you gain literally nothing from playing CS first, since the games are now strictly worse than all the other games available in English.

>I don't feel I'm missing much by starting with CS.
With Cold Steel 1, sure, but by the time the second or, God forbid, third game rolls around your ass will be lost.