Grand JRPG Thread

>what you're playing
>what you like about it
>what you don't like, if anything

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I'm still here.

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I'm playing FF VI
So far it has been much better than FF VII which I finished earlier, pacing is better, the story is more coherent, characters are utilized in equal measure and are better developed, humour is more tasteful and the sad moments hit harder.

I'm looking for a good, easily-emulatable, classic JRPGs. Watcha got for me, Yas Forums?

I played FFX on a PS2 emulator and it was buttery smooth. Perfect. I even upped the Internal Resolution so it made it look super crisp. Shit, I preferred this better than the ACTUAL HD remaster (especially because of the original music being in-tact).

So, either a JRPG on SNES, Dreamcast, PS2, or GameCube -- these consoles I can easily emulate. I know PS1 has some gems, but the emulators are iffy (PSXR and Mednafen). I tried .hack but couldn't really get into it.

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I'm playing r-type tactics 2. It's a good game and manages to feel more like r-type than you would expect from a trpg (does it count as a trpg? Whatever). However it's a weird mix of easy and incredibly punishing, so most of the time you win effortlessly but if you do something dumb and misplace a unit you can get your entire fleet wrecked in a single turn.
I'm going to take a break from it and replay fire emblem 5.

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don't make threads too often or the janitors will start banning them

try to keep it to once a day

>what you're playing
Final Fantasy 13
>what you like
I like that they tried to shake up the series in both story and gameplay
>what you don't like
I hate that the story is told out of order, I hate the characters (mostly), I hate that the levels are all long narrow corridors with no exploration, I hate that combat can regularly take several minutes even for trash mobs unless the narrow corridor has room for you to sneak attack

I've got something hard for you right here

>don't make threads too often or the janitors will start banning them

how dare we talk about video games and not make nu-wojak threads saying "noooo!!!!" or "video games for this feel???" with an off-topic image, or a porn thread, or a thread about politics, or something else thats equally as retarded as these examples

>what you're playing
>what you like about it
Moves away from traditional swords and sorcery setting and is a sci-fi setting that isn't space opera
>what you don't like, if anything

Combat is kinda slow and laughably easy right now too, but that's to be expected because I'm not far
I haven't seen Magi Nation mentioned in one of these threads over the past two weeks yet so I'm going to consider it a hidden gem

We already had this thread today try spacing them out more

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>don't make threads too often or the janitors will start banning them
/vg/ was a mistake fucking hell can we get rid of it already and just expand the number of allowed threads on Yas Forums and how long they last?

Relax, he was only saying the jannies sometimes ban threads that could be mistaken for generals.

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We have a Tsukiko avatarfag now or what?

>I haven't seen Magi Nation mentioned in one of these threads
Because these threads are about japanese games.

just finished pic related, it was pure nomura kino and the ending was amazing. can't wait for episode 2.

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>Final Fantasy X-2
>Pretty light-hearted but can still go serious when it needs to, jobs are kinda fun, Dr. P is a great character, Yuna gets character development
>Too much tedious bullshit, 100% damn near needs a guide, too many important scenes are optional (Baralai getting possessed by Shuyin being the most blatant), some characters (Rikku) behaving more childishly than in the previous game

>don't make threads too often or the janitors will start banning them
unless it's smash or some other nintendo game, then it's okay to make as many threads as you want forever.

redpill me on tales of
is berseria any good?
i am kinda not sure whether to play it because
>female protag
but specially because of the otome artstyle

>implying koreaboo shit and western weeb shit hasn't been constantly mentioned


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>what you're playing
Chrono Trigger
>what you like about it
Combat strikes a perfect balance between being engaging and being good to play for relaxation. But more than that I love the cast.
>what you don't like, if anything
There is an unfortunate and obvious balance issue between all the usable characters. Crono, Lucca, Frog, and Ayla are the only ones really worth using. Maybe Robo if you can stack some speed on him.
Can't give any because this is my first real JRPG. Next one will probably be Chrono Cross.

I'm not really playing anything at the moment. I've beaten all the jrpgs i have. I'm on this thread looking for games. Dont mind me.

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Well, the characters (the dichotomy between them specifically) is pretty good. It's akin to Tales of the Abyss. The combat is Graces but simplified.

What is that image from, user?
Also, what recommendations you got for us?!

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He is worse than tripfags.

The otome artstyle is because one of the main artists for the series is female. They usually like swapping on and off with the artists, and sometimes they have both artists design characters together.

Berseria has somewhat button mashy gameplay and a main character who breaks all the rules of the game and just does whatever she wants because her character specific ability doesn't let her go below 1 health. It has arguably the best party in the series, but the writing isn't as good as it could have been.
Symphonia aged like ass, but a lot of people love it.
Abyss and Vesperia are great video games and are the two I'd recommend playing. Very full packages with those two.
Graces f, Xillia, and Xillia 2 are on the PS3. Graces f has a cheesy story and party, but fun gameplay. Xillia 2 features a somewhat silent protagonist and fun gameplay, it's better than the first.
Tales of Hearts R is an outsourced piece of shit stepchild game that nobody gives a shit about and it's on the Vita for some fucking reason, but it has what I feel is the best gameplay in the series and a super entertaining cast to go along with it.
Don't play Zestiria.
Phantasia's the first game in the series but that's the only interesting thing about it. If you wanted to start at the very beginning, just play the translated PS1 version. It's very basic.

And those are all the games in the Tales series that I have personally played. Someone else can tell you about the rest. The highlight of this series is the real time combat and the "skits" which are extra moments for character development and interactions.

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Got Maria's true end the other day. Made no sense. Why is Algiery alive again? Anyway, maybe in another 10 years I'll play it again and get Melia's true end.

i watched a playthrough of it when i was younger, but i was reluctant to play it myself even though i really wanted to since i didnt want the wojak boomer/zoomer mesters to claim im trying to steal their nostalgia by playing it.
also i didnt wnt "hardcore" types to claim im mainstream for playing the most popular final fantasy.
ironically i played 6 with no issue.
also this
i hope the ports are good enough if and when i do play it.

that being said im currently playing through TWEWY and ff7r

>redpill me on tales of
good series if you're not offended by anime or anime tropes in the slightest and go in knowing that for the most part you will be shamelessly flooded with JRPG and anime cliches. I know this is the /jrpg/ thread, but I feel the need to emphasize that the Tales series does not give a fuck in that aspect moreso than other JRPG series
>is berseria any good?
I consider it one of the better ones. One of those games in the series where it's almost no one's favorite, but I rarely see it as the least favorite too
>i am kinda not sure whether to play it because
female protag
I'd have to know why this bothers you before I comment on it
>but specially because of the otome artstyle
skits are like mini VN scenes, you'll have to get used to it

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>Get to True ending in Ys 8
>End up full of tears

Dana truly is best girl

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>>i am kinda not sure whether to play it because
>female protag
>I'd have to know why this bothers you before I comment on it
hard to self insert as a female when i am a male
the good point is that she is a shotacon so i can at least pegg him right?


I have no idea. I found it in twitter.

>Not sure if this good rec. But i really enjoyed them.
Star Ocean 1 and 2
Ys Seven
Ys Celceta
Brave Story
Chrono Cross
Grandia 1/2
Final Fantasy 3
Final Fantasy 9

>PS1 is "iffier" than PS2
when did that happen

Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

i am almost buying a fucking switch just for this game
exclusives should be fucking illegal

Actually a cool moment, holy shit.

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>i am almost buying a fucking switch just for this game
holy fuck don't do this. it's incredibly bad. you will literally kill yourself

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why does it look like someone came all over the picture

Playing SaGa Scarlet Grace. Finally gonna finish up everything, get all the characters, beat true Firebringer, etc. Pretty sure I'm only gonna need to do a playthrough with Urpina and Taria, then a final one with Leo as my "endgame" save.

if you're the same user from last thread holy shit you're blasting through this fast