Soo. Why did they remove him?

Attached: Skeleton-King.png (640x960, 732.23K)

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Too much Boner for china to handle

chinks are superstitious bug people that make for a very populous consumer base

blizzard copyright

He wasn't removed. His visuals were updated
you fucking retards.

explain why Dota 2 still has skeletons in the Chinese client and censored models for other objects - including the former Skeleton King model

This was soon after they changed Alleria Windrunner to Lyralei Windranger, Necrolyte to Necrophos. There are still some WC3 stuff like Beastmaster and Lich but those are generic fantasy terms.''

What other Boners are there?

blizz threatened lawsuit

Im not that upset by it
i like the green man for how it plays

The only correct answer.

Reminder chink wow still has skeletons
Whatever wasnt turned to bread remains a skeleton

Summoned skeletons.

but clinkz is censored

Attached: 1542145564324.jpg (1680x1050, 364.67K)

>we have Axe whose backstory is told in one TF2 styled comic, 3 different games and two different Dev blogs
>Legion Commander has 2 comics and 2 games for her lore
>Ostarion was a skelly
>that's pretty much it

that doesn't mean anything

Does Blizzard really own the copyright on "Skeleton King"? I feel like that's a generic fantasy thing.

it just feels bad that we could have something more intresting for the few characters that dont have a lot of lore
Fuck it, we dont even have Flavour text in the cosmetics anymore

But he's still in the western game is his point

Wasn't D3 a thing around that time, they really looked very similar and had the same name.

Every time

Attached: 1573936092139.png (128x128, 34.37K)

Ostarion is SK name in dota

>>we have Axe whose backstory is told in one TF2 styled comic, 3 different games and two different Dev blogs
>>Legion Commander has 2 comics and 2 games for her lore
Reminder that both of their backstories got retconned by Artifact

Attached: 1585695861893.png (777x909, 1014.13K)

What got Retconned?
Also Mireska knows hobgobben?
Was he the twat that helped her escape her father?

China is filled with pussy niggers

Axe's no longer a one-man-army, you know, the entire thing his backstory was about. You know all that shit of him ranking up from killing his superior until there was nobody left except him? Yeah no now they just bump his ass off the army and just put a new female khan in charge.

Legion Command's legion still exist, instead of being buttfucked by Underlord. You can see it in the comic that released with Artifact that her city is, in fact, totally fine.

>Anyone saying China
These people don't play Dota. Clinkz and Pugna are skeletons and are untouched. Hell, current Wraith King SUMMONS SKELETONS as an ability.

It was 100% Blizzard. There was a moment in time when Blizzard was absolutely buttflustered watching Valve make shitloads of money off Dota 2 when Blizzard laughed Icefrog away when he asked them to help him make Dota a standalone game. They went on a vendetta against Valve and attempted to sue them.

Valve won the case to keep the DOTA name, but they had to change Windrunner to Windranger, Necrolyte to Necrophos, and Skeleton King to Wraith King.

Attached: 1574275882451.jpg (1600x900, 262.16K)

>Axe's no longer a one-man-army, you know, the entire thing his backstory was about. You know all that shit of him ranking up from killing his superior until there was nobody left except him? Yeah no now they just bump his ass off the army and just put a new female khan in charge.
This was not changed. The lore is that Axe still culled the entire Red Mist, but Sorla rebuilt it under her rule.

>Hell, current Wraith King SUMMONS SKELETONS as an ability.
Are they actually still skeletons in the chinese client?

Kind of? They have weird face plates covering their mouths and shit.
By the way, before Skeleton King became Wraith King, there was even a Chinese friendly Skeleton King that was just a suit of walking armor. Pretty cool.

Why do you lie Xi?

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WC3 Reforged also reserves the rights to any potential new IP generated from it lmao, they don't want another Dota slipping from them
Blizzard is fucking retarded, especially since Icefrog went to them and asked if they wanted to fund his project.

you are actually retarded

How does that go against anything I said? In fact, that image supports it. I fucking hate China, but they didn't kill Skeleton King, Blizzard did.