Get a kill

>get a kill
>"lol try hard"
is there any rebuttal to this

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tea bag next time you kill them

keep killing them while saying nothing, they'll work themselves into a rage

wasn't even trying bro


no shit you're a tryhard. if you're not trying hard, then why are you trying at all?


i use this one all the time

"lol butthurt"

tell them you had a threesome with their parents. then they have to imagine their dad's dick inside your asshole


git gud

You jelly bro? Smh lmao

The reply is not to reply.

The same thing I should have done to this thread.

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>Dude WTF, why are you playing the game?

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>kill them
>"lol tryhard"
>get killed
>"lol noob"

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>Implying I tried

"Bad player down"

sometimes I play pavlov and laugh out loud when I kill someone, that gets em good


Use a really shitty weapon or gimmick and target only them

>he doesn't call them a nigger as loud as possible screaming into his mic
never gonna make it

>he needs to try hard to win
lol not all of us need to break a sweat to win.


that's pretty good, but lemme tell you about the time I got fucked by your dad

Get out of here stinky dog

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You will regret this.

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Retard clown

*wwalks into thread*
wwhat year is it

try harder

Why would you need a rebuttal when you won?

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killing more

>GG you're dogshit kid

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Push to talk and burp into the mic

>gg ez
You cannot refute this

Hold this L


Just quote something from Tails gets trolled, it's a goldmine for unique comebacks

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Just type this. It always works.
Probably to a fault because i end up being pissed off after typing that.

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>everyone in he lobbyi is having a good time, matches are good
>xxxLolifapperxxx has joined the game
>dude goes 63-2