If you could bring one weapon into the real world from a video game what would it be and why?

If you could bring one weapon into the real world from a video game what would it be and why?

>would be easy to obtain ammo for

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>scrap shotgun
just fucking build one dumbass

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You can use it to time travel.

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Infinite ammo

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You think i have the technical know-how to make a shotgun from scratch?

>Infinite ammo
Only over the period of time in which the second half of HL takes place. For all you know it starves to death in a week

It can fire in spurts and if it shoots ya, its gonna hurt

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do you know how to work a handsaw?
then you know how to make a slam shotgun


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>You know how to cut wood
>you can make a deadly weapon

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Technically true. I've never made a spear, but I bet I could make one sharp enough to pierce through someone.

correct, a shotgun is one of the easiest firearms in the world to make, all you need it some pvc and a nail

Coolest sound

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Lasgun. Infinite ammo, robust enough to last a thousand years, kills even tanks... eventually.

Also would get taken from you immediately

The definitive answer.
inb4 it doesn't work at all

Attached: The gun.png (600x510, 191.15K)

A fucking lightsaber

God i love the sounds the turn x makes

Why would I need a weapon? I don't live in the 1700s and I don't live in some third world shithole. I don't need a gun or a sword or anything. If someone is attacking me I'll just call the fucking police like any civilized person would do. People the fetishize weapons are fucking gross.

There's this thing called the internet where you can learn just about anything

no one else had better reply

Gravity gun obviously

why half ass it when you could just get a physics gun instead?

what game?

>nooooo I can't just make a shotgun from scratch?!?!
>haha snappy pin go boom

It's literally that fucking simple. The ammo is the hard part. A 'gun' is just a hollow tube and a way to strike the ammo with a sharp point.
All the other shit is just ways to make snappy pin strike and new ammo load faster and easier.

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Buddy it's not hard to get an M1 Garand


Yeah but I'm broke

This. If it has half as many abilities as it does in gmod then you're basically a god.