Please let her live

Please let her live
Please, please, please Mr. Nomura

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>New Threat fags want Aerith to live

let her die and move on, fags

Nomura literally did the remake thinking on you fags who cant move one
she will kill her again just so you fucks can shut up and accept her death

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Yeah. Retcon ANOTHER critical character death. Great idea. This idea is so bad it's pretty much guaranteed to happen. I bet Square created the fucking time jannie shit JUST to do this, honestly. Nomura is such a hack dude.

She's going to die. Cloud will kill her.

The entire point of the Whispers is to create an avenue for Cloud to "challenge fate" and save Aerith.

But ultimately, he'll learn that the fated path is the only way to save the planet from Sephiroth, and will have to take it all back and allow her to die like she's supposed to.

In other words, Remake will go to a tangent timeline for a "what if Aerith lived" scenario, then go back to the original.

>In other words, Remake will go to a tangent timeline for a "what if Aerith lived" scenario, then go back to the original.
And the remake isnt gonna be about cloud moving on with his past, or letting the past go.

It will be about the player, you, finally accepting her death and moving on.

Aerith. Widely known mistranslation that has been fixed in every game since. I had to come to terms with the mistake to. Appeal to tradition is still illogical.

This guy gets it.

It's not even the real Aerith who gives a fuck.

It would be so fucking funny if he bait and switched fans and just killed her later.

It's not even a mistranslation, technically. Aeris is also correct since s and th are the same sound in Japanese. It was just changed for the english anagram: I, Earth. Aerith honestly just sounds like you're saying Aeris with a lisp. Aeris is a better name and was a better translation.

This guy are sick

do you really think Nomura will for such an obvious and predictable plot? Dude's all about subversion and shock even if it make no sense.

>Aeris is also correct
Not when the Japanese manual and the game code itself called her Aerith

No Nomura only does what I personally think is bad.

I'd say it would ruin the emotional impact, but it would be nice if they did something unexpected. Not let her live, but something that makes it distinct from the original. I mean, everyone knows it's going to happen, so might as well change things up a bit. Not enough that she's fine, but I'd like for it to be something that's distinct from the original

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Like having Cloud kill her of his own free will.

die faggot

Let Cloud win the Aerithbowl please

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>yfw they are probably deciding RIGHT NOW if they are going to kill her or not in FFVIIR pt. 2

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She will live, because the only way to prevent time repeating itself again is to take a different path.

Brianna White is a fucking attention whore of the worst ilk. She actually fucking video taped herself crying to her own voice. Narcissistic slag through and through. Only reason she got to voice the character is because she fucked a bunch of Yakuza

No Nomura, no.
I want to see the iconic sword plunge in 4k.
I'll actually be upset if they don't do it.

Shell die after surviving her old death scene.

Zack might be alive some scene indicated he might have survived the battle this time.

>has been fixed in every game since
>It's still defaults to Aeris in every English re-release.
>It's Aeris in Spanish/French Remake.

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Not in this timeline. Alt!Zack has his own Aerith.

Who got spared?

This is what I'm saying, Sephiroth won't kill her because then he loses, but Holy won't stop meteor unless people show they're worth saving, so she'll sacrifice herself and beg Cloud to kill her so the world will be saved.


If she doesn't die then Square has fully lost the plot

She has to die, any alternative will cheapen what made the original one of the most groundbreaking games ever made

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You know Aerith wasn't the first FF party member to die, right?

Yeah, but her death was by far the most dramatic and weighty death in the entire history of the franchise.

Just because it wasn't the first doesn't mean it wasn't the best.