Laharl chan
Laharl chan
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is this a continuation of the gender bender thread?
did he got pranked too?
did tou get pranked
If you fucked them would it be considered fucking their pussy or bussy?
Are these games worth my roommate thinking i'm a pedophile might get the ps4 rerelease
pussy duh
my friend says the middle character looks like a loli
is he right?
literally needs her own game instead of one chapter of gender bent laharl.
D6 when?
Never played D2, but female Laharl gets my dick going harder than any other Disgaea character. The only NIS character to make me even harder is Prier.
What's NIS even doing nowadays?
what a weird prank haha...
idol pretender was pretty alright
can I get a source for this?
yeah chinami was cute
I got you bro
much appreciated
Is Goku okay!?
>barely any doujins
>the art is shit
being a laharl-chan is suffering. also just manually brute force the translation. you know that google translate exists right?
Yeah the lack of doujins hurts and most Diagaea doujins have shit art. It's even worse if you look for Prier doujins since they are either futashit, shit art, or both. The only good Prier is pic related. Also google translate is dogshit.
raharr chan
>Also google translate is dogshit.
what other sources do we got that allows me to input kanji or phrases I got from a doujin that i can't just copy and paste from a doujin? shit is a god send as a EOP. if i doesn't make sense I can always take that inputted kanji and put into jisho.
Western animation is in way more trouble than eastern animation
Like that frame of Peter is recycled
Shit on anime CGI backgrounds all you want but stuff like family guy, all the Peter animation frames are vector images pulled off the Master Peter Hard Drive, plus it's not cute
>he doesn't know weebs are the ones making these edits
Holy shit can anyone defeat Peter Griffin from the television show that is referred to as "Family Guy"?
How dobyou feel about mind control + hypnosis
Google translate always gives me the most janky ass translation so I mainly use Jisho for translating stuff as I piece together each word and use my basic bitch beginner japanese knowledge to figure out the phrase. No way in hell I'm gonna edge trying to translate 22 pages when it takes me like two minutes trying to translate a phrase or sentence I don't understand. Especially for a really good looking doujin such as this.
why would you perform hypnosis if you already have them mind controlled?
if you knew some japanese then inputting into a translator is easy ass piss.
literally took me 3 secs to type that shit out with japanese input(don't even know if its shi or tsu at the end). I only use kanji if i don't know what it is and thats where google translate helps me give me something I can put into a clipboard which takes like 5-10 secs writing and choosing the right kanji.
wait i said mind control
i meant genderbend + hypnosis
bro i already told you i'd love to get turned into a hot girl and then hypnotized into a slut only for the brainwashing to wear off right when i take a huge load
I'm pretty sure that's a small tsu. Also didn't say it was hard. Just time consuming since my autism would want me to translate the phrase, edit the page with the translation, and repeat for each any every single page using only my right hand as I edge with my left. Shit so tedious, I'll most likely give up after like 4-5 pages in and just fap.
are these the magic words?