How much did you invest in Star Citizen?

how much did you invest in Star Citizen?

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>how much did you invest in Star Citizen

Attached: 1546839880709.jpg (250x248, 14.92K)

$35~ iirc
Squadron 42 SP Campaign
MP, obviously
Couple of ships with lifetime insurance
Bunch of other misc random gay shit

Already got my moneys worth desu and given I can flog the account off for a couple of hundred bucks it's win/win.

is it out yet?

>is it out yet?
That's the problem. You are assuming it'll ever come "out." Pro-tip: what's already out is the game. They'll never have an official release, it'll just be yearly big updates until their whale fanbase moves on.

was for

>giving money to a known scam

Attached: 1561093021526.gif (16x16, 3.99M)

why is this tiny gif so big?


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I've been following SC in the most vague sense since the Kickstarter and I don't get why Yas Forums is so upset about it. Let's say after all that time and money that SC ends up about on par or a little better than EVE as far as quality; unless you're one of the rubes who payed $40k or whatever for a ship I don't understand why you care even if you're someone who still wants to play it considering the entry price is ostensibly still something like that of normal game.

Is it that you think it will be massively p2w or that you think it will start a negative trend in games like lootboxes? Bannerlord took several years and from everything I've seen it's, gameplaywise, nowhere near worth the wait, but I hardly ever see anyone shitting on Bannerlord.

I funded the game back in 2013. I tried the hangar module, and the PTU, and after all these years I'm just not at all impressed. And if you don't think this game is going P2W you're an idiot. Why would they cut off their main source of income right now when the game "releases"? That'd be the stupidest business decision anyone in their position could ever make, considering the ridiculous amount of money they are making from it.

90% of Yas Forums is ESL third world shitters that couldn't even run Star Citizen if they wanted to.

It's the same reason you see them shitting on VR etc Literally salty poorfags who hate the idea of people having and spending money.

Ever notice how none of the criticism is based on first hand experience despite the game having had numerous free weekends/weeks etc?

$250. It's good, but there's just too little content. I bought a Corsair so I could fly around the galaxy and explore, I'm not so interested in combat or trading. I don't really regret my purchase, but I'll be the first to say that the game has been developed too slowly and I would not recommend purchasing it at this point. Give it another 3 years and it may be worth it.

>Is it that you think it will be massively p2w
Croberts has basically invented a money faucet at this point and he'd have to be retarded to ever turn it off.

It just seems like a bad idea for them to be making what is basically two games at once. I get that they got money out the ass for it but how long can they realistically keep developing like this? Two, three more years? From what I saw its still very bare bones and needs endless polish. I'd like the game to come out because I want everything they promised but it just seems like a pipe dream. Also 0$.

0 because I'm not a schmuck.

Imagine paying 10k to fly a ship in a procedurally generated space.

0 because its way overfinanced now and its only a matter of time till he somehow finds a loophole and just disappears with those hundreds of millions

the saddest part about all this is the engine
because they chose the wrong engine, there is never going to be any game

my friend got me drunk and tricked me into buying it. this was 6 years ago.


I invested time laughing at the cultists and it was not worth it. I want my time back.

Yeah, over at germany the judge in the case against Crytek said the trial would continue once the game was released. This must be that German humour people talk about.

15 bucks. I don't even know what it gets me now or what is going on with development.

Attached: 1289878624861.jpg (300x300, 13.42K)

$45 IN 2012.
Yeah it's taking forever but whats the point in shitting on it? Either it'll fail horribly or be amazing, but there will literally never be another game as ambitious as this because every publisher is too scared.

33 cents, bought some nvidia 3 game code from newegg when they had some pricing error for 1 dollar



First of all the case is filed in USA California not Germany.Second,the case was already dismissed so it would never continue.Also Crytek can't file the same case ever again.

Reminder that you can get Freelancer, the space game Chris Roberts failed to fuck up for free, and that the real freelancer successor is coming this year.

Elaborate please

>Second,the case was already dismissed so it would never continue
Wrong, cultist, the judge postponed the case and said it could be filed again after the game released.

Cryengine is a buggy piece of shit and they will either keep working on the game forever or release a broken buggy game.