If the level cap was topped off at 50, would it be the perfect Fallout game?

If the level cap was topped off at 50, would it be the perfect Fallout game?

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Fuck no

If it had a story where I gave a fuck about anything beside how much scrap I have that would be great. As an open world sandbox its really fun to build shit, kill shit, loot shit. But when you're done and think you might try the main story out its just super forgettable beside going into the Glowing Sea

there's so much wrong with the game that it should have been either cancelled or released as an early access indie game so we can say that it got abandoned after DLCs as an excuse for how broken and janky it is


wouldnt change much

If they completely rewrote the entire story and made the world twice as big, yeah.

also make 40% of it into the glowing sea or actual ocean

The world was plenty big. The story was hamfisted and couldn't bother to make you care.
Did you know Fallout 4 had over 12 distinct regions with different art styles, not even counting the glowing sea? Why the fuck were they all so empty and lifeless?

This, this game is living proof that bad story can ruin your game. With no quests that are even mildly interesting and a story that is ludicrously full of holes your incentive to keep playing basically evaporates.

>empty and lifeless
thats why ive gotten tired of open world games in general bragging about world size. Density is more important than sheer size

>With no quests that are even mildly interesting
Silver Shroud quest was great though?

I said the main quest, theres some good stuff in there, but the MAIN pull of the game...it just sucks

>The world was plenty big.
the world was disappointing as fuck, at least to me. In fallout 3 it was a little harder to tell where you were on the map, which i personally prefer. In fallout 4, every location is easily remembered. This would be too bad if the world map was 4x the size, but it isn't.
Also, way too much water and trees. At least 1/4 of fallout 4's map is just water. Water areas to explore would have been really cool, but that would require diving and water vehicles, and since this is bethesda we're talking about... that's just nonsense to wish for.

>fallout 3: WHERE IS FATHER
>fallout 4: WHERE IS FATHER (my son)

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It wouldn't fix many of the other problems, but a level cap would be nice for Fallout 4. It would even give incentive to try new character setups as you would have to be more mindful of the perks you choose.

If the story was just mediocre rather than horrible it would be one of the best games of all time.

no faggot, i like feeling powerful in my games. take your cuck fantasies elsewhere.

>More mods than 3 and New Vegas


I agree it needed a level cap to keep you specialized, but I would have also had 3 free perks at the start, sort like skill tagging or traits.

>Why the fuck were they all so empty and lifeless?
Funnily enough, the irradiated wastes of the Glowing Sea seemed to be full of enemies compared to the rest of the game world outside of downtown Boston.

Autismo building systems can save an open world game on their own. Too bad FO4's sucks and needs a hundred mods to even approach being good.

That implies that you feel inferior in real life, leading to you desiring artificial power within your "games".

No. If the fixed the dialogue, fixed the faults in the story, added actual unique weapons back, got rid of settlement building, added actual towns to visit, and added many more quests... then it would be the perfect Fallout.


Enjoy some of my modded screenshots.

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uh why do i need to wait 1 minute between posts on an imageboard?

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>Why the fuck were they all so empty and lifeless?
Only the rural parts, the urban city parts have super mutants, raiders, ghouls, etc. all living in peace 20 feet away from each other until you aggro one of them and that aggros all of them.

They want you to buy a pass.

guess i won't dump that many then

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Why get rid of settlement building? It was one of the most fun parts about 4 and it rewarded you for picking up junk.

wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
Yas Forums's also not bothered to make their own less annoying captcha either, which probably that would have done a long time ago if gold accounts wasn't a thing.

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What was lifeless about them? The world was really dense, there were places filled to the brim with enemies just a few meters from each other.

>making the world look less apocalyptic

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lol at that sentence, guess i'm more tired than i thought

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For every location that exists for you to construct a settlement within, that's one more location that they had an excuse to not build an actual settlement in. A settlement with NPCs, quests, lore, dialogue... things you'd expect in a Fallout game.

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The issues of Fallout 4 had nothing to do with Level Cap (although scaling was a problem)

>Why get rid of settlement building?
It's not fun and actively hurt the game by replacing pre-built towns with actual thought put into them.
Looting in Fallout 4 is pretty fun, but they could have gotten rid of settlement building and just added more shit to craft and the looting "economy" would have stayed exactly the same.

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you wouldn't want to go back if you tried as well

it has been a long time since the bombs fell, some vegetation is to be expected

also would it kill the people in fallout to pick up a broom? it's really unrealistic that everybody is just fine with living in ruins.

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Exactly. They totally just used it as an excuse not to actually flesh out the world they built.
Fuck, even the actual towns in the game are ass and have nothing in them that will make you want to go back once you've completed all of its quests.

Fallout 4 should have dropped the main story and added way more shit to do and explore for, maybe had a co-op component. Make it a spinoff instead of a mainline game. There, everyone is now happy.

Thats probably true but I found building a town myself to be far more exciting than finding one. They certainly could have limited the number of settlements they let you take over and we could have used one or two more goodneighbors

The apocalypse already happened two centuries ago. Surely trees and grass would grow again, especially with it raining all the time in Fallout 4.

>12 regions
>Downtown Boston, Suburban Boston, Wilderness, Bog ..?

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This was what fallout 76 was going to be but they hamfisted multiplayer into it. If they would just allow you to play offline and use mods then it'd be great.

main gripe with fallout is that they made teleportation canon. aliens i'm fine with but teleportation is just silly.

the ending was also pretty bad.
also don't know why they thought it was fine to not do the usual "what happened to" narration.

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Are there any mod that make the game economy solely based on item trading? I really enjoy picking up scraps and hoard stuffs like a lil bitch since it fun looting and scavenging around but it doesnt mean anything other than that stupid base building that make no sense.

>Thats probably true but I found building a town myself to be far more exciting than finding one.
No offense, but fucking how? The actual system is clunky, there is like no variety in building materials, and the settlements get populated by generic NPCS that literally do nothing. I can't imagine finding any enjoyment out of it except for the first settlement you build in your first playthrough. Shit is mind-numbingly boring.

Nothing about any of the areas seemed to matter much - they looked fantastic. The game had style for sure. It's just that nothing interacted with anything else - just a huge jungle gym with loads of things to kill.

*main gripe with fallout 4, i mean

they should have had some kind of end-game money sink in the game. like 500 thousand caps to buy an entire city or something.

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