Modern PCs still aren't powerful enough to emulate 20 year old technology

>modern PCs still aren't powerful enough to emulate 20 year old technology

Attached: file.png (600x330, 152.84K)

It's not a matter of power, it's a matter of knowledge.

They still can't propwrly emulate the N64, or the goddamn Super Nintendo.

I like to blame reddit for not being able to emulate original games yet

Attached: CXBX_NGB_black_screen_(crash).webm (640x480, 2.93M)

It's more like the Xbox emulation/hacking community was complacent compared to the Gamecube or PS2 people. Fuck, the Gamecube guys were doing network packet analysis from basically day 1.

Because nobody gives a fuck about games stuck on xbox, unlike GC/ps2

why would you want to emulate Xbox? There’s maybe a good three whole exclusives on it.

Buy a Chadbox OneSex.

An Xbox One can emulate Xbox games in 4k. It's not a matter of power, its a matter of knowing what you're doing. No one knows anything except putting Doom on more shit.

like what?

Nintendo will always get top priority when it comes to emulation projects, that’s a given. What surprised me is that the Xbox’s architecture is surprisingly custom and difficult to figure out. I always thought it was essentially built with off the shelf parts.


more cringe. xbone is a pile of shit and a lot of xbox games aren't even bc.

Yeah, it's not like microsoft is a huge kike corporation like sony or nintendo that doesn't care about backward compatibility.

That's the problem - everyone thought "it's just Windows 2000, bro, it'll be easy" except that it wasn't.

>a lot of xbox games aren't even bc
What games do you want specifically?

Why would you emulate a console with no games?

JSRF for starters.

Literally just buy a SeX. Plays the vast majority of the good stuff

CxBx Reloaded. They just announced they will launch their own kind of Xbox Live service.

Hey dumbass, n64 still isn't emulated properly, but Gamecube, Wii and Wii U are emulated better, despite being magnitudes of order stronger than the n64.

Faggot detected. The OG Xbox is a great pleb filter.

Emulating is doing everything a console did in hardware, via software.

Do you realize that's incredibly fucking difficult, OP?

5th Gen consoles had weirder hardware setups tbqh.

otogi 1 and 2
star wars obi wan
metal dungeon
kung fu chaos
crimson sea
nightcaster 2

Seems like it's sega's fault for failing to get the licensing for the soundtracks. I think they should've released a music-less version with custom mp3 player instead though.

Good thing I still have my original one with component cables. Actually played some Panzer Dragoon Orta a few weeks back.

I bet 90% of Yas Forums posters that suck FromSoft’s cock daily have never even heard of Otogi.

t. underage retard

xbox is literally off the shelf parts with basically windows in it. If anyone bothered to properly emulate it, it'd be done perfectly. The reason that Gamecube, Wii and Wii U are emulated so well is that there's a full team behind the emulator living on patreonbux and actually care about making it. xbox emulator doesn't exist because there's no games that are worth emulating that aren't just on pc anyways.
Straight up incorrect logic.

Does nintendo not let their devs remaster their games for PC?

Seriously? No, of course not. Show me a Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Smash, Mario Kart, fucking anything first party on PC

OutRun 2
Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate
Dead or Alive 3

I just have no idea if it's a deliberate move by nintendo. And why aren't they releasing old games on PC? Beats being emulated for free.


>But jet set radio future is totally flawlessly playable on pc guys I swear

The Xbox is a 6th gen console

I'd like the shit below to be compatible on xsex. I'd be sold on day 1

Jet set radio future
Outrun 2
The punisher
Max payne games
Xna shit from Ska Studios Charlie murder, dishwasher games