The spoiled child with regular software updates vs the abandoned kid

>the spoiled child with regular software updates vs the abandoned kid
Why did Oculus do it?

Attached: oculus_quest_oculus_rift_s.jpg (1000x563, 19.56K)

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Facebook trying to force their mobile shit onto people with the Quest when people just want PCVR.

Quest is just cooler tech
Also the quest has two processors, a seperate smaller one does all the tracking calculations so porting features isn‘t instant

>people just want PCVR
>outselling the Rift 3 to 1

And how many of those are using the link cable to play on PC? Normies are being tricked into buying the Quest.

a small fraction use Link
its serving an entirely different market, most people don't have gaming PCs.
Its stupid to believe people would pay $1500 atleast for a VR capable PC in the current state of the medium. Only market the PCVR space serves is tech enthusiasts.

An multifunctional device like the Quest, serving both at once is the future.

Attached: 1.png (371x410, 34.88K)

>Only market the PCVR space serves is tech enthusiasts.
Or people who already fucking have VR ready computers

If you have a VR ready PC to are a tech enthusiast.

>Just becuase I was able to put some parts into some slots and push the power button means I am a tech enthusiast
Good bait

Attached: 1586112692411.jpg (572x303, 59.07K)

If you are spending enough money on your PC to play games at 90hz and 1440p+ resolution you are a tech enthusiast

>If I am spending money to get a better gaming experience I am a tech enthusiast
I'm gonna stop replying now, since you're obviously brain damaged

>he thinks people who spend a grand and more on gaming equipment aren‘t tech enthusiasts
welcome to marketing and target audiences, retard

It still takes me 20 minutes of fidgeting to get my Rift S to start up because of that "displayport connection not working" bullshit. I regret not just getting the Index.

Why the fuck would you get the Rift S when the Quest can do PCVR both wired and wirelessly?

Not to mention that the Quest can be used completely standalone. If you're not a graphics whore, it's not really a problem, it's just as immersive. Obviously the library is quite limited, but again, Link and Virtual Desktop/ALVR exist.

>sligthly sharper image due to LCD
>tiny bit higher refresh rate
>more comfortable out of the box
>cheaper since you don‘t have to get the Link cable and third party comfort mods

Attached: 00C3A4CA-698D-4399-A07C-87C5E0A3FD9D.png (392x826, 433.14K)

Works on my machine

Literally how? Even if I do get it, it takes not even a minute to fix. Download the oculus tray tool and make it so that the oculus home only starts when the tray tool starts, and exits when the tray tool exits, you shouldn't have a problem after that. If you do, then unplug the displayport and usb cable before launching home.

I'm right in thinking Quest is a meme, correct? There's no point if you're going to have a computer anyway.

Quest getting pcvr functionality was the push that got me to finally upgrade my pc, I was already having fun with it standalone but really wanted to fuck with Blade & Sorcery.
you don't have to get the official link cable anyway, jackass

Wireless VR is fun, not being bound to the room your PC is in is nice and cooming while lying in bed is good.

Its not the ideal headset but its passable for PCVR

Attached: hand tracking quest.webm (500x500, 2.91M)

>you don't have to get the official link cable anyway, jackass
I'm not putting the Quest down user, but there is no cable as long as the Link cable that works as well as it does.

It is. Bought one and regret it. Worst screen door effect, oculus link/Alvr/vd is bullshit because of the video compression and everything looks like shit, but worse of all ITS SO FUCKING HEAVY AND UNCOMFORTABLE.

Either buy a Rift S or a Vive. Don’t fall for the Quest meme.

Quest user here. Needs more games and to make more fucking cables

Yas Forums made fun of me for getting a Rift S instead of a Quest though

It's not that heavy you're just weak but the screen complaint is valid.

Gonna break it down simple for you all.
>want vr porn
>want no cables
>no pc
>have a pc and prefer quality of picture over movement
Valves headset
This is definitive as of now vive is a waste of money go oculus or valve depending on what you need. Google samsung etc is just toys for your phone not vr

unironically pick related

Attached: flow.jpg (4600x5920, 1.27M)

Arguably its less to do with the weight and more to do with the fact that’s it’s very front heavy.

Bro, virtual desktop. As long as you have decent wifi, the quest is an identical experience to the rift s.

Source: i own both.

>because of the subpixel layout the detail is a little bit lost in the Quest, I couldn't read the text on the gloves compared to the Rift S
>I noticed the video compression
>even though it's an OLED the black levels suffer because of the compression
>the Quest was uncomfortable, after 30 minutes my neck was sore
>to play PC games I prefer the Rift S over the Quest more because of the panel, increased tracking volume and comfort

Attached: 1568956331039.jpg (1280x720, 232.62K)

>have quest and rift S
>dont notice any of those things other than resolution
>even color and black levels are better on the quest with link
I dont understand

neither do I, the black looks no different to my vive.