Itt: should be shit, actually is fantastic

Attached: mario-rabbids-kingdom-battle-switch-hero.jpg (1920x1080, 1.21M)

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is it? bought it during sale since i had some money left after buying rune factory 4


Not OP but yes it's really good. It's a Mario themed X-COM.

still kinda mad this wasn’t a mario and rayman platformer

Mario Party
Wind Waker
Luigi's Mansion
Mega Man based on the cover
Sonic Adventure
Konami and Capcom licensed games

it's a solid XCOM clone with decent mechanics and a good amount of depth
my only issue is that the difficulty could use some rebalancing, since I feel like it got unfairly hard towards the end with all the enemies introduced having some bullshit abilities
on the flipside some of the characters are just too omnipresent, rabbid peach and rabbid mario in particular basically being necessary for any horde style arena

>can't have a party without the fucking rabbits
>rayman nowhere to be seen
its a good xcom clone but its far from fantastic

Ohhh I hate those wabbits! Is it worth it? I mean, it's like 10 dollars now right?

they do that because the rabbids are more generalists versus the mario kingdom specialists
>mario is completely straightforward
>luigi is a sniper
>peach is crowd control and AOE damage mixed with healer and tanking
>yoshi is massive damage
>rabbid peach is a healer and support
>rabbid luigis shits status effects all over the place and disables you
>rabbid yoshi is crowd control and high damage
>rabbid mario is MASSIVE aoe burst damage

If you stacked a Mario only team you'd get stomped every time.

If its so good why does it keep getting heavily discounted and why do I see everyone on my list that played it only having 1 hour in it

Because it's like 3 years old

>If its so good why does it keep getting heavily discounted
Because it's a Ubisoft game. Every game goes on deep sale once a month.

It's 3 years old, ubisoft and Rabiids (raymen) has been a dead franchse for 10 years now.

Yes it's great have you been sleeping on it?

The only time the game got unfairly hard to me was the bonus endgame mission where you have to escort a Toad through a gauntlet of a million enemies.


I'm sick of these finite over-exagerations. It's an average at best game. This shoudln't surprise you since nothing nintendo makes is 'shit'. Everything they make may not be amazing or the best thing ever, but it's FAR from 'shit'.

I'm gonna be 'that guy' and say that I would've preferred just solo Mario with the Rabbids being replaced by epxies of the main cast. Like Daisy, Wario, Waluigi, and Brido. Though I realize this would take away a ton of the personality that Mario isn't allowed to have on its own anymore, which is why it should've been given Paper Mario/SSS tier humor and character

Not a game, but a song.
Part One Winged Angel, part Dancing Mad, part Fight On!. Rock guitars and percussion alongside church organs and an ominous choir singing in Japanese. Also taiko drums and chanting, and a long-ass Japanese rap verse. On paper, that sounds like a catastrophic six-car pileup of mismatched styles, but in practice, it's FUCKING AWESOME.

Maybe I was just shit at the game then honestly. I may have been playing it too aggressively in the lategame

We clearly had different setups too as I almost never used Rabbid Peach.

>rabbid peach and rabbid mario in particular basically being necessary for any horde style arena
I never felt Rabid Peach was necessary, however she's definitely one of the better characters. I preferred using Rabid Luigi for healing duties, because his vampiric dash allowed him to fully heal himself and the team every turn. His ultimate weapon also had a 100% chance of turning enemies to stone, which BTFO's those annoying heavy units that chase you after every attack and slam pillars onto you. The second unit I used was Rabid Mario, because he has that super strong AoE boomstick, and can snake charm enemies out of their holes into the epicenter of his nuclear hammer slam. The only times I'd use Rabid Peach was when I had to escort toad, because she could heal him.

I'd rank the character like this:
>S Tier
Rabid Luigi
>A Tier
Rabid Mario
>B Tier
Rabid Peach
>C Tier
Rabid Yoshi

It's a real shame that the last three characters you get are all crap.

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I'd swap Mario and Luigi, in fact if Mario wasn't forced I would have swapped him out of the team for someone else.

Mario gets the move that increases damage of himself and any teammate in range by 70%, and he can use it every other turn. I wouldn't swap out Mario, even if I could, because then I'd miss out on the one-shot potential of Luigi and Rabbid Mario.

Oh yeah he has that. I still would have liked the ability to swap him out on occasion though.

Yoshi is at least A tier because of Super Chance. Once you hit postgame he kind of falls off but before that he's an absolute monster that can shitstomp the final world

>Yoshi is at least A tier
Nope. He falls off hard in post game, by your own admission, and he's the last recruit, so his time to shine is miniscule. I might be persuaded to bump him to B-tier, but, there's no way in hell he's better than Luigi, R. Mario, and R. Peach.

The beginning is boring as shit

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My issue with it, and I think a lot of people would agree, is how locked down building a team is.
Forcing Mario onto the team is an acceptable limit. Most RPGs don't let you take out the main character. But combining that with a minimum of 1 rabbid on your team really takes away a lot of options. It's as if they deliberately did it because they knew the second you had two extra Mario characters, you'd never touch a rabbid again.

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