This is a Nord, the most powerful race on Nirn. Say something nice about him

This is a Nord, the most powerful race on Nirn. Say something nice about him.

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Thanks for being kind to filthy dunmer despite them being slave owning niggers

They’re good lads

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That's Simon Belmont

No it's a Nord chad

Attached: Seen Any Elves.jpg (900x900, 140.2K)

Yas Forums ruined this website

Are Nords the main characters of elder scrolls?

The heroes of Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim were all canonically Nords so yes

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Yeah nice dreads Pollyana, good tits too.

Culturally I see no difference between these barbaric people and orcs.
Also nobody trust this user

>most powerful
[laughs in atmoran]

Nords had an empire. Orcs can't even hold a single city.

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Kinda ironic that all of them would be Bretons if TES was real

They had an empire by acting like orcs, of course there weren't 2 successful orc empires together.

imagine nordic stros m'kai

shut the fuck up. This is a comfy elder scrolls thread, no need to shit it up with Yas Forums faggotry.

simon belmont lookin ass

They couldn't hold it because it was too warm

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What is the most kino Skyrim character someone can make, and why is it a Nord Battlemage?

stealth archer

Fuck off, no one likes Elves.

No they were a running joke until Bloodmoon

Naked Nord Barbarian

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A Necromage vampire

Breton Battlemage.

literal retard over here.

>he doesn't honor the traditions of his ancestors by learning the clever craft to drive out the Dragons and Elves from your homeland

Maybe for Daggerfall or Oblivion

Trickster mage using Illusion spells and Sneak to have simp bandits kill each other

Pure Khajiit mage because why not

My favorite was making a pirate rogue with emphasis on Speech and one handed. Too bad speech was completely useless in Skyrim other than bargaining

I mean that's always an option, but a Nord can easily commit a genocide naked

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I wonder what kind of Magic the "Clever Men" used. Like any particular schools?

but user, that's a bear

There's a few mods that make Shouts scale off of Speechcraft, and stuff like Vokrii/Ordinator have reworked Speech Trees that give big perks to using Shouts

Playing Morrowind right now, do you guys like my little arranged home?

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No, this is Simon Belmont

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