This is the Mancubus

This is the Mancubus.

Say your honest thoughts about him.

Attached: Mancubus -Doom_Eternal.jpg (563x431, 78.15K)

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literally me

needs to lose some weight

He's got the best ass in the game.

not as fat as your mom

lickable gunt

Attached: 1584495529068.png (509x767, 70.13K)

imagine the smell

Seems to be the strongest battlemode demon in the game.

His guns take so much damage to destroy I never see the point in aiming for them

>super shotgun meathook into point-blank blast at the yellow heart

gg ez

I hope this is bait. One bolt or sticky grenade destroys them.

Why are people so bad at video games?

fat fuck

Attack its weakpoint for message damage

Mancubus with a VR headset

Attached: 89494651.png (900x853, 824.99K)

I like him, I think it's a good rendition of DOOM II's mancubi. I was not a fan of the D44M iteration, it was just dumb looking.

Attached: Screenshot_Doom_20200413_004415.png (2560x1440, 251.97K)

but where is Womancubus?

2016's body was better, but good work with the head

What VR game is the Cyber-Mancubus playing?

Attached: CyberMancubus_2016.jpg (1000x764, 124.33K)

I honestly don't like mancubi very much
they're just sort of boring to fight

Half Life Alyx, probably.


Fuck you, faggot.

Attached: doom-doom-2016-mancubus-doom-wallpaper-preview.jpg (728x410, 70.14K)

One shot of the precision bolt or ballista takes them out instantly in Nightmare.

They can be removed real fast if you know what you're doing, although I'll admit in the later parts of the game when shit gets more hectic and you get stuff like the mobile turret mod or homing rocket launcher I tended to stop bothering.

Mancubi remind me of that one D3D enemy that was just a fatass alien on a flying saucer.

He's a fatass

Some Alien
The Mancubus

yeah this does look way better

Bloodpunch breaks both instantly

>doesn't shoot two massible fireballs at the same time, three times, in patterns
wow, what a faker

Cute tummy

A downgrade from the monoeye version.

Is this achievable natty

>make weakness blood punch
>drops instant kill aoe green shit the second you get close to do it
There's absolutely no point in trying to punch this faggot on nightmare and it's pretty dumb to make the weakness what it Is


Freeze and then Blood Punch then pointblank Super Shotgun = instant kill

Some of the design choices for this game were retarded.

If you freeze blood punch doesn't remove the armor.