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god i miss playing gmod


i never played gmod

sorry no fun unless you purchase VIP++ UltraLite God package for $59.99

this map isnt even good, why do TTT zoomers love it so much

>T instantly goes on a shooting spree, one tapping people before they realize it's him
>T gets to a high place and starts sniping
>T instantly kills you at the round start
The worst kind of matches

Play the better highly modifiable paranoia simulator, space station 13.

Too much of a learning curve.

Banned from literally every single TTT server in North America. Fucking horrible gamemode, game creator is a lying hypocrite, and the server owners are all weeaboos, faggots, and bronies.


you just cant help yourself

I can respect that, but you really should try it. Once you figure it out it opens way the fuck up.

>map change
>they vote for ttt_dolls

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Oh I have. Kept myself to low IQ roles though. Such as clown and janitor. It really is a fun game. Never know what is gonna happen each round. If I had more time I'd invest more into it.

You want to know an unironic low IQ role? Just play sec. You get to see a lot of the station, but also all you really HAVE to know is to stun and cuff people who are:
> in the wrong department
> hacking things
> hitting people
> stealing things
> looking at you wrong
> ERPing
and to kill anyone who's a confirmed traitor.

Garry's Mod is a perfect PC game but the community is AWFUL. 99.99% of the servers are owned by NEET neckbeards who power trip and ruin it for everyone.

That map sucked for TTT, it’s way too open and always ended with a terriorist sniping someone and everyone automatically knowing he was in the lighthouse

>girl gamer joins
>all the virgins start crowding around her to make sure she doesn't get killed

i would rather just kill people then run away like in TTT

Then wait for a traitor round.

This. What the FUCK is the point of remaking perfectly good maps in Minecraft blocks? why are there so many 24/7 Minecraft servers for TTT? why is it so fucking hard to find a good TTT server that isn't filled with inane point-shop faggotry?

Holy fuck I just want to go back to simpler times.

>5 people fall die right when the round starts.
>Admin slaps everyone
Yeah, what a fun map.

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That doesn't even begin to compare to the fucking idiots that keep voting for FUCKING crazy_cubes over and over again and then complaining about RDM and bad t-rounds.

Attached: ttt_crazy_cube.jpg (1280x768, 85.36K)

>Obnoxiously wants attention
>Check her Steam profile
>She looks like this
All the fucking time. I mean, come on, guys... Don't you have any common sense? You think normal women are going to play video games? Garry's Mod on PC in a weird server no less.

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People who do this are a special type of subhuman dog.


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you can just filter for vanilla servers

>Burps just when you try to call out the T that's about to kill you

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Anyone play Pavlov TTT? some friends want me to get into it but I'm not sure if I want to bother whipping out the VR kit and unplugging my drawing tablet for it

>play on friends server
>it's all just you and your friend with any custom model you want, T items, custom guns, no retard randoms, and most importantly no dumbass shitty music in the loading screens
Shit is so fun to this day, I'm so happy my friend know how to do server shit because he made our experience 100x better.

>they have a furry avatar
>their steam profile says "Add meh :3" with their discord tag next to it
>achievement showcase spells CUMMIES

>friends server


wtf, u obssessed!?