Resident evil 2 remake

>resident evil 2 remake
>resident evil 3 remake
>resident evil 4 remake
looks like someones run out of ideas

Attached: dda5aa0a1f09db88820c33b3fa909175.jpg (600x225, 55.4K)

Still more relevant than any other developer

>another remake whining thread
looks like someones run out of ideas to draw unwarranted attention to themselves

>shutdown DDON so now alchemist is gone forever
>locked lost planet 2 inside the ninth circle of hell aka GFWL and never released a continuation

Now only if they'd remake Power Stone.

dino crisis first

Resident Evil's identity is tied to Raccoon City and Capcom knows this.

No shit, where's Dragon's Dogma 2 Itsuno

Only remake I bought was 2 and it was fine enough. I'd rather have a new game before another remake though.

What's this "RE4 remake" meme about? I haven't seen a single confirmation of it's existence.


I am way more interested in how they will remake resident evil 6

How’s street fighter doing these days?

unfortunately better than they should be doing, so they dont have to change.

>Outsource RE3 remake
>Outsource RE4 remake
Hey remember what happened last time Capcom decided to outsource nearly everything?

When was the last time Capcom made a totally new and unique IP?

The creative industry has a whole as ran out of ideas.

Mainly down to everything having a fucking huge budget, so no risks are allowed.

Remake of resident evil 2 remake
Remake of resident evil 3 remake
Remake of resident evil 4 remake

When did Game budget get so ridiculously bloated than one bad apple can kill a company? AAA games can run anywhere between 20 to 100+ million dollars

>outsource to shitty western studios
>get garbage
>outsource to some jap studio
>Still get a good game, but lesser than what in house capcom can make

I wonder how neutered RE4make will be.
I bet the Merchant is cut and all weapons are found onsite and you only get a couple of attachments for them.

I take DDON's shutdown as a sign Itsuno's working on DD2.

You didn't exist in the 90s

and you didn't exist in the 80s
*drops mic*

I did for one year

Attached: 1577150979957.jpg (320x320, 21.86K)

They ran out of ideas like 10 years ago my guy.

Remake Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Season and Mimish Cap please.

>no megaman legends 3
>no legends remake
>no legends 2 remake
>no legends 3 redo
>no tron bonne remake
>all these games would fit fine in the engine
>it would jsut need stylistic choices
im pissed

>We will never get a Shadow of Rome sequel.

When you make kino as great as the original RE 2-4 you can only go down from there. Or, you can remake them.

Honestly game budgets are sort of small when compared to modern movie budgets. Despite that some of them bring in more money than the highest-grossing films out there.

Would be nice if game budget / sales data was as readily available as they are with movies.

Dead Rising > Resident Evil

Some resetera faggot spouts nonsense on twitter and game journalist take it for granted.
The articles were actually hilarious written. Claiming multiple sources, while linking his twitter as source as well as confirmation.
To quote this fag:
>"The project does have Shinji Mikami's full approval, his help here is limited because he's obligated to GhostWire right now but part of how this project even came to be was through his decision and talking with Capcom."
That doesn't make any sense and sounds so fucking retarded that this faggot's "leaks" should be instantly dismissed.

Same source, same bullshit, equally retarded buzzwords.