Have you ever watched a game commit suicide?

Have you ever watched a game commit suicide?

Attached: young-caeda-1.jpg (1000x950, 87.04K)

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Commit? No.
Attempt? Only in a mirror.

that stream of DOA6

Yeah, there hasn't been a single Lucina alt in years. I have thousands of orbs now, what am I even supposed to do with them?

Haven't touched Heroes since the beast nonsense. What happened?

Nothing. Characters that rarely/ have never gotten alts before are getting alts. People are sperging because its characters not from the GBA games.

>Ragnarok Renewal patch
how could I ever forget?

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FEH is putting out shota Marth, Merric, and loli Caeda and Palla alts set before the game starts to celebrate the 30th anniversary.
Caeda and Palla are fucking busted.

What makes you think the game is going to die because of this specific powercreep when the gachafags have ate up all the previous powercreeps before? They will eat any shit.

Nothing. It's just the same overreaction we get anytime a Touch of Death unit is introduced. And this one is the weakest of them all


Fucking lol. Go ahead and Whale for her if you really think she'll be OP. But I remember the same shit being said about Flora when she came out.

i dont play FEH
so explain?

>when the gachafags have ate up all the previous powercreeps before?
You know the game's revenue has been on a downward trend for two years now?

30th anniversary special banner with Shota Marth and Merric, Loli Caeda and Loli Whitewing trio as a duo unit. Caeda has a sword with built in vantage and is effective against all physical classes and armors.

Oh and you get Loli Minerva for free.

Not him but it looks like she's made to be unkillable by everything except mages or dragons/beasts since she'll hit them and deal effective damage to them even before they get to attack if she's under 75%.

But bro Epik prf weapon and skill TT hero

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fallout 76

You know how in the actual FE games there are weapons that are effective against beasts, armors, or mounts and triples the power it normally has? This is that, but its effective against anything that uses a sword, lance, axe, bow, and armors. If her health is


A low Res, low Def, mid-Atk FLYING unit is not unkillable retard.

>emphasizing flying
Yeah, because bows will be able to have such an easy time initialing on her with a vantage that is active even at 100% health.

I don't see any stats and am clearly basing it on skillset you dumb nigger.

Are you a game?

It says COLORLESS bow right there, user.

Not vidya but the current American Godzilla series.
>first movie was killer, genuinely good, though the human's subplot was uninteresting and people voiced that
>KotM: "hey let's double down on human drama that has nothing to do with the monsters and also try to be a marvel movie"
It's such a baffling move.
>inb4 "omg humans have always been in godzilla movies"
Yeah, but their actions and dialogue was PERTINENT to the 80-meter monsters crushing their cities. That isn't the case with KotM2019. It's a goddamn divorce drama, but also there's monsters in it.

GMK is one of the best Godzilla movies, prove me wring.

I remember liking it a lot but it's been a long time since I've seen it.

So she has like 3 counters then? Because nobody in their minds would be running some shitter like Python ever.

Don't talk shit about my (lazy) boy.

In any case she has plenty of counters. Mages, daggers, and colored bows will all be able to deal with them no problem.

Daggers not named Leila are awful and you're forgetting that if they don't one-shot her, her vantage kicks in.

Oh, dragons and beast units can counter them as well. So yeah, nothinburger.

>Daggers not named Leila are awful
Then use something else. Like I said, you have a myriad of options.

For me, Caeda is just more fodder for my Summer Laegjarn. And Palla doesn't have any anti-bow skills so she's just more bow fodder.

people still play this horseshit?
fuckin stockholme syndrome

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It's always a good feeling when the unit you want the most is the free one. Unless they get Canas'd that is. I've got a good amount of grails for her too.

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I'm really considering dropping it
it's not fun anymore

I log in every now and then, but I can't be assed to do much with it. It's still the only FE game where I can use a team of my favorites. I just wish everything else about wasn't so shitty.

>Daggers not named Leila are awful
Take that back, bitch nigga. CC Vantage Kronya is a godsend for budget and f2p players.

Bro i’m f2p I only buy the bundle packs and the Feh pass.

You stop being f2p the moment you waste your own money. No matter how little it is.

lmao you're not f2p at all

Bro I’m not buying orbs directly I’m getting the feather/Grails/ hero's etc.