Great atmosphere

>great atmosphere
>yay exploration and puzzles are back
>everything else is shit
Why do people like it again?

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because it came out at resident evil's lowest point

Nah it was pretty great all around

The Bakers were more annoying than they were scary. First person made the boss fights clunky as fuck as well.

>>great atmosphere
>>yay exploration and puzzles are back
So literally all that a horror game requires to be good?

Bit fucking pointless if the gameplay is shit.

Atmosphere is great up until you exit the house area. That docks portion right before the cruise ship part was also pretty bad.

It's a horror game.

It being a horror game does not excuse it from having shit gameplay. Fuck off.

People were starving (or pretending to) for a survival horror RE, so even lackluster stuff like this was a "breath of fresh air" or whatever for them

>First person made the boss fights clunky as fuck as well.
The combat was garbage due to it, the slow ass movement speed didn't help.
The block button was almost like an apology since avoiding a lot of attacks or just seeing them coming is impossible in some circumstances.

>says the good points
>asks why people like it
Are you retarded?

Amnesia and Outlast have shit gameplay and people won't shut the fuck up about great they are.

The atmosphere is ruined by the scripted scenes.
Exploration is super bland compared to the first 3 games.
Same with most puzzles (granted a lot of the old puzzles were also meh)

Have you ever so much as glanced at a Frictional Games product?

>everything else is shit
Did you fail to see that bit?

Yes, sadly.

Go tell Aunt Rhody

How would you rate the original RE gameplay? I haven't played RE7 yet, but I basically agree with the other guy. As long as an RE game has exploration, atmosphere, and metroidvania backtracking, I could give a rats ass about anything else in the game. The best games in the franchise boiled down to stopping in place to aim the shotgun upwards. How bad could 7 possibly be?

Outlast doesn't get a lot of praise
Amnesia was well received but the sequel was hated because the formula got old quick, even then the praise it receives isn't that great.

let’s be real, you only hate it cause it wasn’t ots

Good for its time, maybe not as much now. Still playable. For a 2017 game, RE7's first person controls are a bit cack, mate.

The exploration in the first game is more complex and less linear than in 7 due to a more complex level layout.
Enemies are more abundant and there are more routes, so planning which route to take when backtracking needs careful consideration.
RE7 has very few enemy encounters in its first half.

When the fuck is an RE game gonna give me this feel again. Holy shit.

2022 with the Remake.

RE4 > REmake 2 > REmake 1 > RE5 > RE1 > RE2 > RE7 > RE3 > REmake 3

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>RE5 that high
>RE2 & RE3 that low
I fucking hate you niggers sometimes.

Never, because RE4 is an untouchable masterpiece along with REmake. The sooner you move on from that the more you'll enjoy what we have now

The first 3rd of the game is amazing, that's why
Even after that, it's still fine. Nothing amazing, but still solid

>Bit fucking pointless if the gameplay is shit.
just like first three RE?

RE5 is literally RE4 with bad friendly AI. It's impossible to consider RE4 the best game in the series without also thinking RE5 is at least upper mid-tier. And RE1 was the only good ps1 RE game.

I wish there had been more puzzles and better enemy variety. Story was interesting enough and I liked the setting a lot. The ship section was a drag. How's the DLC?

>RE5 is literally RE4 with bad friendly AI
The reason RE5 is so much lower is because of how derivative it is. It's 4 but worse in every aspect bar graphics for obvious reasons

I got tired of it during the first couple of hours. I thought Jack was an annoying cunt.

Fuck you Jack is great
>Welcome to the family, son

I failed to comprehend your dogshit opinion. Kill yourself

You cant play comfy co-op in RE4

RE5 has a lot of flaws I'll admit, but fuck, it's some of the most fun I've ever had in a video game. Including solo play. The fact is, nobody is gonna appreciate RE5 until the remake comes out for it, which will give it the Sheva AI and less annoying Quick time events that we all deserved. REmake 5 will make 4 and REmake 4 look mediocre.

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>realize you're a fucking thick cunt
>hurr kill yourself
Eat shit, you gormless tool.

>RE5 above anything on that list
Fuck off

>generic hillbilly psycho gibberish
He was fucking shit just like the rest of the Bakers.

THE ENTIRE GAME HAD TO BE DESIGNED WORSE BECAUSE OF THAT FRIENDLY AI. EVERY. SINGLE. ASPECT. Every area. Every non-puzzle. The inventory. The controls. It was never fun, never positive, it was a long continuous failure.

There's so much about RE5 that's just 'RE4 but worse'
The atmosphere, pacing, the inventory system, the shop system, just about every single boss fight is terrible....
It's not terrible, but it's boring as hell, even in coop.

Mercs is fun though, I guess

RE is 24 years old. The fanbase is made up of stupid kids and old men who refuse to accept change. No one at Capcom knows who to appeal to so they're just doing everything and seeing what sticks.

Attached: Everybody loves HUNK right, that'll sell right.jpg (266x374, 21.66K)

Also, being derivative of one of the greatest games of all time is hardly an insult. I could play thousands of RE4 clones and still not get bored. It's why that game is so great to begin with. It's a winning formula that translated into RE5 as well. To completely hate RE5 is to also disregard the brilliance of RE4.