First it was Sonic. Then it was Crash, then Spyro and Ratchet. Then it spread to even other ones...

First it was Sonic. Then it was Crash, then Spyro and Ratchet. Then it spread to even other ones. Why the fuck did furries have to ruin my favorite childhood video-game franchises? Please stop sexualizing characters from beloved childhood vidya franchises like Sonic, Spyro and Ratchet and Clank. You actually need fucking mental help and aren't right in the head and should be ashamed of yourself. People grew up on these characters they should be able to play them without having to worry about furries.

Stop ruining video-games for normal people please and fuck off from playing the games I love and grew up on.

Attached: Furries ruined my fucking childhood.jpg (1199x803, 154.61K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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they made the spyro dragons hot on purpose

Attached: Spyro_Sparx_Gavin_ReignitedArt.jpg (800x826, 192.1K)

Shut the fuck up.
Without Sonic and Spyro you wouldn't have Ratchet. Retard.

Attached: Waifu Liz 60.jpg (1190x1244, 145.82K)

This thread seems familiar.

It belongs in the trash.
Doesn't excuse those franchises for being shit

Ah, the stealth furry thread. Where would Yas Forums be without them

This thread seems familiar.

i jerk off to furry porn but hate furries

Attached: 1377630154036.jpg (600x580, 170.46K)


Why does Ratchet always astroturf mascot threads?

>Asking people not to jerk off to something
You retarded, son?

actual furries are horrid subhumans, never make porn and sex your entire identity. everyone makes fun of the douchy johnny bravo-tier "pussycrusher" assholes but for some reason its fine for literally any other sexualitiy to be a main personality trait
just wack off into a fucking tube sock to whatever it is gets your wily rock solid and be done with it, i don't see scat fetishists dressing up as giant turds or voraphiles giving themselves horrific acid burns

Attached: 234587.jpg (527x543, 26.62K)

>Gex is still untainted

Attached: Shaun Dancing.gif (480x270, 2.9M)

Gex is deader than dead.

you sure?

Feels good to be a raychad

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They aren't shit you're just a tremendous faggot.

Attached: whoa.png (642x544, 126.56K)

Fuck off

Crash hasn't had a good game in ten years.

You get used to it

Attached: Sly icon.jpg (728x390, 44.82K)

I want to fuck the faries from that game

No way fag

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>sees the porn of Rayman fucking Betilla

Literal who

It's gonna be interesting seeing TfB's inevitable take on Cynder whenever the next game gets announced.

>feels good to be a raychad
>new games contain inflation

>Crash Nitro Kart 2
Hey so did you know Yaya Panda is in CTR:NF? Of course not otherwise you wouldn't be praising Chinese shovelware for creating an entirely new character you constantly wank off to.

I fucking love how adorable Spyro is in these pictures.

Attached: devon-cady-lee-spyro-and-delbin-800.jpg (800x899, 170.11K)

Kys zoomer

>Crash hasn't had a good game in ten years.

Attached: CTR Nitro Fueld.jpg (474x709, 176.39K)

that was simultaneously worse and better than i could have possibly anticipated

Attached: aaaugh.jpg (547x528, 44.62K)

>Implying there's no porn of Rayman

Attached: 1543524537413.gif (200x180, 1.02M)

Still expecting someone to post Exodia.

Holy shit, fucking based

Yeah but why D.Va?

Attached: 1541099220848.gif (728x408, 1.18M)

Do not even speak of such evil

Attached: 1573051940784.png (913x834, 735.68K)

Ratchet is a literally fucking who

If those developers didn't want furries, they never would've made sexualized characters in the first place.

Beyond that, for the most part the in-game portrayals are hardly anything to sperg over anyways. You'd have to deliberately spend all your time on forums, imageboards and art blogs to notice the more rancid, vile side of autismo furries.

Something's not right with this picture.

Ratchet's still an exclusive.

Attached: thinking Sonic.png (498x472, 25.71K)

>Wasted such a fantastic model of Gex on FUCKING PORN

Attached: AHHHHHHHHH.jpg (342x342, 9.14K)

You rang?

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