ITT vidya ptsd

ITT vidya ptsd

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Never got past this part

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Are you memeing right now?

That's the easiest shit ever.

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Dont worry, its impossible. Most people got passed it by no clipping.

They made it even more annoying in the remake. Don't get me started on the squat competition.

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Nah, you get in after a few tries, you just have to adjust to the pointless delay they added.

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This game was cool

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Since apparently we all got fucked up by HL2

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That was so easy last time I played on PC. I fucked up big time in the junon parade though.

Just go ahead and post the image where he made a bridge out of the blue barrels.

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Stupid fucking asshole

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It hurts the eyes. Fucking From Software.

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I literally beat Friede on my third try despite everyone complaining how hard she is (she’s not) but the tranny devouring slime monster caused me so many deaths I had to completely change my play style to adjust. Majority of the fights in DS3 aren’t even hard but this was fucking madness inducing.

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Man reaching this on Ultra Violence with barely any health left and only one shotgun round is the stupidest shit ever. Especially on Brutal Doom.

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I don't find him too hard, but those arrows are pure horseshit. I kind of enjoy Friede, but I'm just annoyed at how fucking long the fight is.

The last level in Psychonauts where you have to race the water

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>that low tier shit

nigga please

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just use a black chocobo and get him out of there

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I remember having even more of a hard time at Golgollada.

I swear this minigame alone turned me off from replaying the game

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This wasn't even that much of an issue for me, guess I got lucky with it

I was just about to say I didn't find this one too hard, but I made the mistake every shitter makes with and saved in between battles, with no back-up save or anything.

Fucking Wiegraf.

hey i was in that thread

The meat circus was straight bullshit

How is this game btw?

Bitch, please.

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Can't believe they put it in the remake.

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Obnoxious but i heard they patched it recently to fix the platforming
Its worth playing if you are interested in the art style, but the gameplay is just ok.

Does anyone have an playthroughs of launch Dark Souls? I want to see how much got changed. I want to see this aggro range everyone talks about.

>Tfw saved after every battle up to this point and got smoked I don't know how many times
>Only beat it by assigning everyone with Auto Potion and throwing away all regular and Hi-potions so they'd only use X-potions

this fight catches you offguard the first playthrough but I make sure to be prepared for it in subsequent playthroughs, mostly because I've abused the fuck out of stat/jp grinding

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The Hellcat Cruiser mission in Jak 2 filtered me for like six years