Game has multiple romance routes

>game has multiple romance routes

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yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees coomer thread boooooooooooooooooys!!!!!!

oh no what have you done, now that avatar fag is gonna co

What are some games where the title eventually becomes false advertisement?

name a series that went from fun to trash faster than Watamote

What the fuck happened to this series?

you mean from fun to fucking amazing
/u/chads where we at

Man, that got boring and really dropped off in popularity when all the yuri bait shit started.

ur life

The Promised Neverland.

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I always thought the appeal of Tomoko was that she was just a girl version of a typical NEET guy, including the horrible desire for interaction with the opposite sex. I feel like turning it into a typical yuri took some of that appeal out.

TPN, BNHA, Fire Force.

You keep on going, eh

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Tomoko has been bisexual for the entire manga.

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stop shilling your shitty meme discordtranny

remember to laugh at all the plebs that can't into yuri


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>Small time manga does what it wants and based on mangakas real life experiences as an awkward teenager
>Becomes popular, mangaka runs out life experience to draw from, just does something that will sell and continue to be issued/printed
Unfortunate, but a good lesson in why things should just have a proper ending.

Well I will get a bf this year I think.

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what happened with it? only watched the anime and read volume 1 of the manga but thats it
did it turn to some romance shit?

you will die alone and nobody will notice

There was no plan after the first few bits so it just kept adding yuri characters and making a harem and going nowhere as sales tanked instead of writing an ending.

>game has a cross over event

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good that i didnt really care more about it

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Highly doubt it but I'll keep my fingers crossed for you nontheless

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End your life you butthurt hetfag.

you know it's awfully surprising how many authors don't know when something should just simply end and working on a new project instead of milking something an making it progressively worse (extremely worse in this case)