I wasn't happy that Square lied about their sequel being a remake

I wasn't happy about the retarded time-janitor ghosts.
I wasn't happy about the PSP-tier environment textures.
I wasn't happy about Tifa's censorship.
Despite all that, I still would have said the FF7Remake was 'disappointing, but not bad' UP UNTIL THAT FUCKTARDED ENDING.
Holy fucking shit, that would have been less insulting to a fan of the original game if it had just frozen on a giant image of goatse and formatted your hard drive. Did Nomura write that while huffing Nos in the dumpster outside Kojima's? Just... what the actual fuck was that supposed to be?

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Yup. That's practically it in a nutshell.
The last few years have brought us absolutely abysmal ""Remakes"".

>literally talking to yourself

you're spot on OP

that's barry for you
literal fucking autism

you're retarded and will be filtered by corona

Is this a legit screenshot? If it is, that's pretty impressive considering FF7R is running in real time.

This Remake wasn't made for you. Just go back and play the original. It's still there, user. Just boot it up.

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>being happy that millions of NEW players are going to have their first time with "FF7" with a mere 1st episode of a spinoff-sequel in disguise, without even realizing it

I couldn't care less.

why would I care

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It's a FMV with the HUD smashed on it user.

>being happy that millions of NEW players are going to have their first time with "FF7" with a mere 1st episode of a spinoff-sequel in disguise, without even realizing it
Then tell them

I have a friend that is pretty normie but still a cool dude, and will try ff7remake
He knows it is a remake and theres an original, and he tells me he problably wont try the original due to graphics and gameplay, he just doesnt like turn based. Unlike you, i dont care, i understand why he doesnt like it or wont try it, and will talk with him about the remake, respecting the original as well. He already knows something and he keeps asking me about how the OG did some stuff and how the remake changes it.
What i try to mean is: you want people to try the OG? tell them that the OG is still a great game and they should definitely try it. But dont tell them NOOOO DUDE DONT TRY THE REMAKE MUH ORIGINAL STORY MUH SOULLESS MUH ZOOMERS MUH NEW PLAYERS. You are just acting like a fag.

>being a fan of something

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You're being cunning towards your friends to make them play games you deem good, you have no good intentions. And yes, I do like the OG.

autism speaks

All this drama made want to try the og final fantasy 7, what is the best way to play that game?

>announced as a remake
>reminders over the years "hey we're doing a remake"
>greenlit as a remake
>marketed as a remake
>titled "remake"
>no one knew it was anything else until it was released and people played it to the end
>"um sweatie you can play the original still"
That's not the point faggot.

Don't ask here, just pick one.

>literally a remake of FF7 from the ground up
>Remake subtitle refers to not just the product but the story as well
>"not a remake"
retards can't cope that they were MGS2'd

>remaster of X game is released
>is basically the same game with moderate graphical enhancements
>people complain its the same game.

>remaster of Y game is released
>enough changes to be considered it's own game
>people complain its too different

>r-remake can mean they changed it so much that it branches off into a different path entirely a-and r-remake d-doesn't mean i-it can't be a sequel!
Buyer's remorse is a very strong hallucinogen.

>people complain its the same game.
Literally when? No one fucking complains when they buy a REMAKE and what they get is a REMAKE. It's when people buy a REMAKE and it's a fucking SEQUEL that has negative responses. It is indisputably false advertisement.

Regardless of whether or not it's a good game, the fact that they explicitly said it was going to be very faithful to the original and then decided to change the story isn't cool.

Why is everyone suddenly claiming they were lied to?
Square were pretty clear that this would only be the Midgar section. And the ghosts and Sephiroth were shown off in trailers and images before the game released. Why were people expecting this to be exactly the same?

The moment i saw Nomura as a director and the ghosts, i told myself "ok, i might no have 100% accurate ff7 remake. SO i have to prepare myself for the worst or just judge the remake as i get the info"
And while they changed stuff, they improved a shitton from the original game

Because before the release of the game everyone thought it was a remake. Game releases, fucktons of people play it, and find out it's a sequel. Being lied to tends to feel like being lied to.

fuck them kids

remake means different things to different people

Oh look, it's this thread again

I guess technically you're right even if there's only one person on the face of the earth who thinks it means something else.
His name is Nomura btw

>got lied to that it's a sequel and not a remake
>still massively enjoyed the game
lol you guys are gonna buy the next disc anyway

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>Because before the release of the game everyone thought it was a remake
But that's simply not true. Square were clear that they were changing things and showed off the ghosts, Sephiroth and Roche in their marketing material. The only people who could realistically claim to have been fooled are the ones that didn't know anything about the game going in and just picked it up from the store shelves, which is no one on Yas Forums

Those few little things are not what we're talking about and you know it denialfag

Samefag shit thread

Retroarch beetle HW core with CrtRoyale shaders
You can get the retranslation as well as the old engrish one on cdromance

First time with FF7 should be the original game otherwise you're doing it wrong. It still holds up as one of the best games ever

>bUt MuH gRaFiX