ITT: Genuinely bad game design

ITT: Genuinely bad game design

Anyone who unironically defends Marauders are suffering from the sunk cost fallacy. They don't want to admit that they spent money on a literal slot machine.

Attached: 3646382-marauder.jpg (1214x933, 319.05K)

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Bad design? He's plenty attractive

What's the slot machine?

I'm a slut machine for Marauders

The hitboxes, the the timing to avoid his attacks, the timing to hit him with the SS. Just the fight in general is one massive RNG shitfest.

slot machine? I beat him 100% of the time tho

damn post vid of you playing.

>ITT: Genuinely bad game design

>Anyone who unironically defends Marauders are suffering from the sunk cost fallacy. They don't want to admit that they spent money on a literal slot machine.

Attached: soy79.png (384x293, 9.44K)

This. I need a good chuckle

I'm playing on Xbone

I just wanna see what happened so I could tell him how to fight properly or if his difficulty is too high for his skill level.

You can record 30 second clips on xbone and upload them straight to youtube if I remember right

thats rough man. good luck

Backseat gaming is the worst.

Can you even pull off the ssg/ballista/ssg combo on a controller?

Idk if maurader shitters are even capable of improving

Everything is great about him except I think his shield should come up slower, or not block all damage from AOEs

>consolefag complaining about an fps

>b-bad game design!
you got filtered by the barrel as well, didn't you

Attached: 1567192272427.png (800x600, 437.45K)

>Playing Doom 64
>Finished the level, no problems doing so.
>Hear some demon sounds, and decide to wipe them out
>Jump down from the platform I was in
>Accidentally end up surrounded by 3 pinkies and obliterated in 1 second.

Fuck I love this game. A pity there is no music.

Attached: doom-64.png (1200x675, 320.37K)

He got filtered trying to find the pistol

Attached: 240npl.jpg (268x284, 9.52K)

this guy fucked my ass the first time, but subsequent times i learned you can switch quickly to the ballista or big after stunning him with the super shotgun and he goes down pretty quickly. you're just bad

Attached: 297E40C4-D4A4-4B34-8993-9775BBB1A0D5.jpg (1007x312, 78.41K)

You're just shit?

Attached: 1586470074556.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

>That webm
Pretty much this.

Can you even fathom how agonizingly painful were those last 4 seconds of his life?

>he got filtered by shield boi
Plebs, I swear...

Attached: cacodisgust.jpg (490x490, 54.25K)

>stay medium distance away > see green > shoot super shotgun > while he's dazed headshot with ballista > repeat
It's not as hard as people keep meming it to be. It's as if the constant ADHD forward pace of the game fucks with people's ability to patiently wait for an opening. Either way he only shows up a handful of times. Personally I hated the regenerating shields mechanic of the Doom Hunter more. You work to wear down the shields, get distracted by another enemy for a moment and then the shield is back and it feels like you wasted your moment of opportunity. Fuck regenerating shields.

People say there's ambient music but I could barely hear anything. I guess some people prefer that subdued atmosphere over the constant metal music though.

Attached: Doom-Eternal-Vid_08-19-19.jpg (600x337, 54.33K)

haha get fucked

There are ambient sounds for sure, but I am spoiled from listening to the original Doom tunes. I was expecting something similar or better.

>playing on nightmare, 5th slayer gate
>use the rocket with remote detonation to kill all the mobs before I focus on marauder
>barons spawn in, i’m looking for the marauder
>mfw I realize that I killed him while I was busy blowing everything up

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