XBOX One Controller

How is this still allowed in 2020???

Attached: 2020-04-18 21_43_08-xbox one controller aa battery - Google Search.png (758x450, 633.82K)

>not buying the rechargeable battery pack

anyone who's stupid enough to buy the batteries deserves losing money

I love the xbox one controller but come on, even the switch pro controller has a rechargeable battery

Lithium ion rechargeables. It's the same thing that is in any other rechargeable electronic, but in AA form.

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Yes, that's part of the point. It's fifty fucking dollars and another 15 for a rechargeable battery pack when it comes standard on every other modern device in existence. And Microsoft doesn't even fucking make a first party pack to buy with it. It's fucking baffling.

Because you can easily replace the batteries and use high quality rechargeable ones in an Xbox controller compared to having to risk destroying a DS4 to replace the shitty battery Sony used.

>being such a brainlet to not know how to replace DS4 battery after 5 years of use

Yeah good luck finding replacement batteries for your PS3/4 controllers.

>Let us just buy a replacement controller

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>MFW I'm a /p/fag and I have 9001 Eneloops
lol git gud. AA with the option for a lithium pack is objectively superior to built in packs.

Attached: GOODASSES.jpg (300x400, 60.69K)

It's a needless complication. Literally not one single electronic device in my entire house uses AA batteries any more except my Xbone controller. I don't have a TV and just use my second computer monitor as one, so I don't even have a remote control.

the battery pack is shit. Mine died with normal use, so I bought rechargable NiMH batteries that work better.

ebay exists

Eneloop is magic. And replaceeable, which can't be said about 99.9% of built-in batteries nowadays.

i can not name a single time i've had a controllers internal battery die on me, shitposter-kun

>not having rechargeable batteries bn in current year
I've been using my rechargeable since the 360 days.

Right, how is replaceable batteries still a thing in 2020?

>He doesn't have crippling low charge fear

>using batteries in the current year

When I see a xbox 360 controller using AA batteries, I turn 360 degrees and walk away

Attached: dv20kfogcej21.jpg (597x720, 50.23K)

>controller dies
>switch out rechargable batteries
>put dead batteries to charge
>back to gaming
>controller dies
>charging cord doesn't reach sofa
>have to move dildo to floor
>boyfriend walks in and trips on cord
>cock slips into mouth
Xbros stay winning

just use an usb cable

I want exchangeable batteries in all my shit. Nothing is more annoying than having to plug in a wire when I want to play.

>Own over four sets of these
>Never worry about anything running out
>Get dirt cheap on Amazon

i know right. i can't plug in my controllers because i have to be able to throw my controllers and tip stuff over when i lose at a video game.

Tell me where you got your magical solar-powered controller.

retards alert

I don't care about the batteries just give me an anti sweat grip surface please. Summer is coming and it's only going to get worse.

But it wasn't released in 2020

i just got a 10fts usb to micro-usb cable for like $10

>anti sweat grip surface
Does this exists??? If it does I hope the new controllers have it!! I NEED IT

I'm saying Microsoft needs to get with the times and make a new version of their controller with a soldered-in battery that lasts for at most 200 charge cycles.

its allowed because not everyone is a brainlet like you that buys disposable batteries. its objectively superior because of rechargable batteries. your gay ass ps4 controller has a rechargable battery too you know.

but this was, and it still has battery technology from 1960s

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Because retards keep blowing money on batteries.

They do, it's called the elite S2

>soldered-in battery
DS3 and DS4 batteries are not soldered, its a simple connection that can be replaced easily, not that you would need to replace it maybe after 6-7 years

Attached: 2020-04-18 22_08_51-ds4 controller batteries - Google Search.png (585x435, 287.8K)

tell me user, what is so fucking appealing in unreplacable batteries in a perepherial device that's supposed to last for years?

get some sticky velcro strips and go ham on your controller. won't be comfy but it won't slip

>b-b-but sony!!1!!1
I'm talking about Nintendo and their shitty joycon batteries that are impossible to replace without nearly destroying the whole thing.