Now that 7 got a "remake", do you think we will ever see a remake with 8 or 9...

Now that 7 got a "remake", do you think we will ever see a remake with 8 or 9? I think 9 has an amazing world that can be really fleshed out more.
8 can use major changes as well to the story.

Or is demand to low?

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demand is higher for remakes than a new final fantasy

kitase said that he doesnt want to remake 8, but to see younger generations remake it

FF2 is the game that should be remade the most, double points if it’s directed by Taro
Kitase and Nomura said that they would be interested in remaking 5, and that’s one of my favourite ones so that would also be good

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I think 9 would scare modern squenix too much because of how weird the npcs are. like over 50% I think don't look human

Oh god no more remakes please.
Just focus on FF16.

A FF8 with revamped/rebalanced mechanics could potentially be pretty good.

Eight is almost guaranteed, because the younger team at Squeenix wants to do that, and people keep asking.

9 has less chance, but it could happen sometime down the line.

>Eight is almost guaranteed, because the younger team at Squeenix wants to do that, and people keep asking.

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That's what they wanted to do, problem is that isn't what people want or are asking for.

I'd rather have a stand-alone Triple Triad game.


Remaking 8 or 9 would just be printing money. Remaking 5 is a risk because not as many people know 5 or give a shit.

>Time jannies constantly surrounding Irvine because he could spill the beans about the orphanage at any moment

How does Yas Forums feel about junctioning?

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VII was the only one that made sense to remake.

Japan exists, you know?

I unironically feel like the time jannies and defying fate shit would work much better with FF8 as its story already deals with time travel and destiny/fated events.

Didn't bother me, because I understood it, but I can see why people didn't like it and how it could break runs.

If remake happens, then they would either have to rework, simplify, and make the junctioning system more engaging, or completely remove it altogether.

Remake 8, and make Rinoa Ultimecia this time.

I wonder why.

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I think VI is probably next

Only retards can't understand it.

It's a good system that offers a lot of different builds and in some instances breaks the game.

But, desu, the game is already piss easy, especially if you don't level.

That isn't a factor. 8 and 9 still did better.

It really does suck. While I realize how easy it is to get magic, it is a drag that the more you use it, the less magic you have. It would need a rework to make it fun.

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While I agree with the perspective that it's broken in a lot of weird ways, I find them to be fun ways. I always play FF8 as a low-level/no-levels game, where spells are to be junctioned and never cast, and you wreck everyone's shit anyway.

Then, power-leveling in the latter half of the game, when you can give characters bonus stats at every levelup and still wind up more powerful than you have any right to be.

But in general? It's trading hours of level grinding for hours of grinding a card game and/or drawing spells from enemies. I like it because it's different than other JRPGs, not because its better.

Interesting system that is very easy to abuse.

Easy to understand.

>the less magic you have. It would need a rework to make it fun.
Refine you fool

FF8 is a shit game with a shit battle system in a shit story with shit characters you don't give a shit about.

They should remake FF6, instead. The true real best Final Fantasy game, and bring back Hiroyuki Ito to direct and have Kitase write it again.

>drawing spells from enemies.

It's not a bad way to get a few spells earlier, like Triples. And that's assuming you're playing at a gorillion FPS in an emulator.

>The true real best Final Fantasy game

And that's 9 you dumbfuck.

I would love to see them stylize a FF6 remake to make it look like the promotional art.

they literally threw away the code. when Enix bought out Square they literally threw away and destroyed the filing cabinets with 8's printed-out source code on it.
and yes, Japanese are retarded and back then they used to print out their source code.
their HD remaster they just released in a hurry last year was literally just their PC version hacked and with some basic piss-poor modding done to it.

hands down the best FF game system, but it needed some serious balancing done to it.
Always hated the sphere grid materia bullshit in FF games like 7 and 10, also the reason why I hate games like Path of Exile. feels too constrictive and forces you to plan your build years in advance and you cant undo or fix anything if you fuck it up.


Nobody cares about FF9. It was completely overshadowed by the PS2 when it released, and it's a worse version of FF4 and FF6 from those type of settings.