Resident Evil 6

Playing RE6. Never finished the game decided I may as well now.
Capcom seems to know how to make some hot chicks.
And what's there are jiggle physics here.

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why would anyone even play RE3 when we have RE2?

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but i'm playing RE6

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>And what's there are jiggle physics here
why is that crazy. re3 has jiggle too and it came out like 2 weeks ago

play mercs

I just finished RE6 last night with my friend. would recommend saving Leons campaign as the last or second to last one you play since it's quite a bit better than the others. Games not as bad as people make it out to be but it's still not great.

it's subtle though.

Does capcom make the hottest women?

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shut up, coomer

Finished this and RE5 in couch co-op with my nephew last week, story is shit (like every other RE game) but the action is on point. Get someone to play it with you

I'm actually enjoying it being single player.
someone with moon runes joined my game when I left the online options on.
But I like taking my time, grabbing screen shots, shitposting about the games as I play them.

It's not that bad. It's a dumb ass action game and there are some parts that are fucked...
like..a zombie jumped at me, I shot off it's head, but it still grabbed me and bit me somehow?

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The new remakes are just RE6 with the dodging and melee combat removed yet people pretend its some glorious return to survival horror.

The campaign crossover segments were really fun when you and a friend actually connected with two other real people.

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I feel like playing Mercenaries again when I get my new monitor


man they really cut corners.

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only his mouth moves.

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I'm disappointed that Helena never showed up in any more Resident Evil games. Her and Leon were like two seconds from banging each other's brains out for pretty much the entirety of their campaign in RE6.

Hunnigan too.

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Will Jake and Sherry ever return?

I can imagine Sherry does...
Jake...probably not.
The idea of Wesker having a son is pretty fucking dumb.

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RE6 is one of my favorite co-op experiences. It's like being in a Michael Bay movie, except with your dumbass friend

Is RE6 worth getting? I've been debating on getting it after really enjoying RE5, but I ordered evil within instead tonight. I dont know if I made the right decision or not. This game looks way more fun than evil within but evil within I hear way more positive things about it.

God I fucking hate this game. I hate Leon's campaign masquerading as "classic RE" before it devolves into delirious action sequences. I hate the quick shot flips. I hate that Jake's campaign should've been Sherry's campaign(fuck you Jake and your faggot """"""celebrity"""""" VA) and I hate Chris's campaign most of all. It's just boring, boring, boring, oh shit something's happening, lol filler, lol your in a VTOL jet now cause who the fuck knows why and an actually badass ending but my god is it a fucking mess. DumbFUCK Capcom learn how to fucking make a good FUCKING game you RETARDS.

fucking hell those textures, I know it's a ps360 game but they didn't have to be this low on PC. console parity at its finest

absolutely if you have somebody to play it with. might still be playable if playing alone, but i wouldn't recommend it in that case