Of all those listed in pic related, who would be the most fun to go on a date with?

Of all those listed in pic related, who would be the most fun to go on a date with?

Specifics of the date : after work drink at a bar, then go to a movie, and night-time walk in the park until you need to go home because you have work tomorrow morning.

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Terra because I am not a homo

Bartz for sure
He's the only one there who isn't a grump and/or an autist

I bet you're fun at parties.

I bet you're gay

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Not true. Zidane would be fun. Tidus wouldn't be too bad.

Did you miss
>and/or an autist
Tidus is the alternative choice to Bartz but still not a great choice

We're all gay here user.

squall is literally the hottest one there

The joke was that I am gay too user, don't worry

I would take zidane and onion knight to a local arcade for sure.

Zidane obviously.

Cecil is neither of those

For a straight man it would be the most fun to go on a date with Tina(That's Terra for you newbies) because she has a vagina and vaginas makes dates a lot more fun for boys(straight ones).

For straight women the most fun date would be Zidane. Bartz is a close second though.

For gay bottoms it is Bartz. For gay tops its either Squall or Tidus.

Zidane has a rape look going on

Even as a straight dude I feel that Terra would be a total drag to go out with. Bartz and Zidane might be cool.

>you don’t take dicks up your ass? I bet you’re fun at parties
what kinda fag ass parties are you going to

>not sucking a fat one

>gay tops it's Squall or Tidus

Butz > Cecil > Zidane > Terra > Tidus > Cloud >Squall > Firion > Who? = Who?

because butz is too dominant

But tops like to dominate butz.

what is terra like in bed?

She probably has a mind control fetish.

>squall that low

She likes this position, but gripping you very tight and hovering up in the air with you

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Cecil wouldnt be bad if he didnt look like a corpse.

Btw i always pronounce his name (see sill)

Bartz>Terra>Tidus>Zidane>Paladin!Cecil>Real!Cloud>Onion Knight>Squall>Dark Knight!Cecil>Zack!Cloud>Warrior of Light>Firion
Honestly it's just been so long since I played FF2 that I don't remember Firion's personality. I had to look up his name, even.

Probably Tidus
>we can chat about sports
>charismatic cause he's a public figure
>will 100% put out because he has daddy issues

okay, you gay guys in the thread maybe you can answer this conundrum I have with how homosexuality works in relationships

say two guys(gays) are with eachother, is it the guy with the bigger dick who is the man in the relationship, while the guy with the smaller dick who is the wife?

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>Dissidia cast
>Omitting best girl
Oh no you fucking don't. And yes, she is the correct answer.

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No? I was the feminine one in my relationship during college and I had a much larger penis than my boyfriend.

Yeah why did OP omit Y’shtola she’s obviously the best