How are they gonna market future games in the Remake project?

Now that Nomura's autism has injected time travel and alternate timelines into the game to create his own original storyline that was originally labeled a remake, how are they gonna market future games in the series? Are they still gonna market them as being "remakes" of the original games, or is the marketing material gonna reflect that the story is going to be different now? Seems like it would be a shitshow either way. Market them as still being a remake, and you'd basically be lying, if the alternate timeline stuff in the ending is to be taken seriously. But if you market them as an alternate storyline, you won't be able to cash in on the nostalgia bucks anymore. What do you think Square should do?

Attached: ff72.png (640x807, 490.61K)

It will be potentially three things:

1. Act like the wisps never happened, are removed when FF7Remake: Complete is done.

2. Marketed as a "Requel", a videogame/movie that revisits the subject matter of an earlier game but is not a remake or a linear continuation of its plot

3. Square-Enix commits seppuku and multiple people like Nomura and Nojima step-down and they redo parts of the game to save face like FFXV: Royal Edition.

>as injected time travel and alternate timelines
Theres no time travel and the alternate timelines arent relevant to the remake. The party wont travel between timelines.

Add a fourth: Clarification of events to be more in line with the original.

If you assess the whisper bosses at the end, it literally says they are from the future. And you are in denial if you don't think alternative timeline Zack is going to play a role in FFVIIR-2.

How many times do you faggots have to be told that this is a REMAKE, not a REMASTER. This game 100% falls under the definition of a remake.
Go make a paper airplane. Now, remake it with another sheet of paper. If it's not the exact same measurements down to the fucking atomic level I'm gonna call you a faggot and say it's not remade.

it's possible the defeat of the ghost fuckers was just padding and an excuse for Aerith living this time. Zack felt more like an easter egg. New people to the series would have zero clue who he is.

I dont think nomuras autism can be reckoned with. Watch as the FF7 Open world is revealed to be FF versus XIII.

Yes, they are from the future. Doesnt mean the party or sephiroth or everyone is gonna time travel and time travel is gonna be a central plot point.

Yas Forums's autism I'd greater than anything.

You're now in the outskirts of Midgar, this is an entire open world segment, considering that FF7R was extremely linear, this could be a new refreshing experience, narrative should be fixed on what are heavy plot points... for now Kalm and Midgar Wasteland Where Zack originally died are the most important first plot points that should be present in the first 10 hours of game.
Also Chocobo ranch and the big marsh and the Midgar Zolom as a big ass boss battle, or a must run away encounter that is dangerous as fuck like the original.

Attached: The Map.png (628x477, 412.5K)

>Theres no time travel
>Actually, there is time travel
Let me guess, not a native speaker of English?

first they gonna hide in a Choco farm and then they gonna go have some fun at Golden Saucer. There cloud will confess his love to the girl or man of your choice.

>FF7R was just an FF13 hallway
>FF7R-2 is just an empty open world like FF15
This is the most cursed remake ever created

Anyone else think absolutely nothing will transfer to the next game from the first one? I mean that they will start you at level 1 with buster sword and other default weapons and no imported materia/levels/summons etc. Also I think we won't be allowed to choose our party members and instead the team will divide in two and separate or something. For example say Cloud, Red and Barrett are 1 team and they go to one place while aerith and tifa go elsewhere.

They're just going to keep doing whatever. They are Japanese EA at this point. Look at all the cucks defending this shit already. Their braindead fanbase will keep throwing money at them until they make a transphobic joke or some shit on Twatter - and even then, they'll still only lose like 10% of their fans.

After the disaster that was FFXV's open world, I'd be surprised if they go back to trying to create an open world game again. There will probably be larger areas than there were in the first part, but another open world with random generic towns everywhere would honestly just be boring.

Since I finished the game, I've taken the title of FF7R to mean something else.

I figured that after this game was done it would just continue as FF7-2 and keep the remake in the title because these series of titles will altogether be a remake of the game, but the ending events against the whispers WERE what the title was referring to. Beating them remade the game.

So now I imagine each title with just have a different colon and keep the FF7 logo. Somethhing like
>Final Fantasy VII:Pursuit

Maybe they add additional numerals like VII-2 and so on

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I wanna know how the fuck are they going to restart your stats

are there any open world games on UE4?

If FF13 had as many towns and side things to do as FF7R did, it wouldn't have been nearly as criticized.

>FF7R-1 is FF13
>FF7R-2 is FF15
What's FF7R-3?

episode one was already so kino that episode two will practically market itself. give it up, tortanicucks. you lost again.

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With lies and deceit, as usual with anything FF7 related.

>Did not consider that possibility
Holy shit... we will wait 3 or even 5 years for an empty world that needs traversal through it like Red Dead Redemption 2 but without world interactions because is empty and will cost $60 will have preorder bonuses, and will retcon the entire story of FF7.

Attached: what the fuck did you just bring upon this animated land 2.gif (485x601, 371.85K)


I just hope they give Aerith underwear in part 2. She must be cold down there not wearing anything.

Attached: aerith_upskirt.webm (1280x720, 1.42M)

We dont know that

Just do what they’ve been doing. Primarily market it through iconic moments while keeping everything new stuff mostly a secret outside of a few glimpses.

Is FF7R on unreal 4? Huh.

Remember Rebuild of Evangelion? well, the same but FF7.

and shinra is actually the shinra brat from x-2 that tried to do the same mako thing with farplane energy. big whoop

theres no time travel that is relevant to the story.

>midgar is some of the most linear 4 hours in a JRPG ever
>remake midgar

its 5 bucks on steam and just as easy to pirate, play the fucking original game user

Stare into the abyss.

Considering Part 2 won't even be on the PS4, it would be too much of a nightmare to have some sort of stat transfer system. They will likely just give you some of your abilities from the first part, and some new abilities too at the start of the game.

Keep the stats, powercreep the enemies, let yuffie steal your stuff except some basic materia

>FF7R was just an FF13 hallway
stopped reading there. you autists keep forgetting how linear ff13 actually was. the game didn't even have towns, for fuck's sake.

Attached: hallway simulator.jpg (410x4000, 545.79K)

zach is alive

You should probably play this game in whatever your native language is if you didn't understand the ending.

no, user, nobody else on Yas Forums expects and hopes for the worst with every new game that comes out. you are so brave for having such an original opinion.

ah but user, thats where the ps5 remaster comes in. buy it again to transfer saves.

this is the most hilarious cope ever read
take five minute segments from the original and turn them each into hour-long FF13 hallways
square enix drones: stockholm syndrome immediately kicks in, engage in full damage control

TOR must have caused a way larger rectal ragnarok than initially assumed if people are still mad about it.

level cap to 300

fuck. they're really just looking at past games and going "well that worked, right? let's just do it again and see if it sticks"

>implying it doesn't get DLC on top of it

>time travel is gonna be a central plot point.
I want you to look up Chekov's Gun

I kinda want to mod FF7 and add a bunch of ghost jannies into random shit using the failed sephy clone models so I can shitpost with it. Modding FF7 isn't too hard nowadays with the power of all those autism utilities that have been developed in the last few years

the damage control is on you user. the bitching about "padding" through towns and sidequests alone instantly drops your 13 comparison which you havent played either.

you are literally sent back to a different timeline after the last fight, they changed the dog sticker

>play the original
Yeah I missed the part where the fucking Train Graveyard took an entire hour, oh wait it was less than 3 minutes in the original

PC version redeemed.

Ok, low IQ shitter

>when you know the pantsu mods will be the first ones out

for you ff13 boys how did that trilogy go?

Yes, you do have low IQ considering you either didn't even play the game, or you did play the game but didn't understand any of it.

it will be impressive to see how they turn this into a hallway like midgar

>you are literally sent back to a different timeline after the last fight, they changed the dog sticker
Thats zack timeline, not the one cloud and co are.

Why didn't they ask any of the Advent Children era VAs to come back? Quinton Flynn was basically perfect as Reno and George Newbern is the only Sephiroth I recognize

Attached: Advent Children.gif (500x275, 1.97M)

Lightning Returns is actually good. The other two sucked ass tho

Toriyama is just as bad as Nomura.

Did you forget the games end with Lightning killing the actual god of creation and being reborn in our world's modern France?

wait user no. its not that you're sent to another timeline. its that an alternate timeline was created when the time jannies got BTFO'd

zach is still dead to cloud and co, but they'll be able to reunite somewhere due to seph fucking up timelines because hes aware of OGFF7.

i agree with the max prediction that zach and cloud will fight together and pull a GL where zach has to disappear as timelines converge into one and shit fixes itself.

Ok, keep pretending we are gonna time travel to the future and help future cloud to save aerith
or go to the past and stop gast from getting killed

They're going to have gay, shitty names. This first one is "Final Fantasy VII: ReMake." The next one is going to be something faggy like "Final Fantasy VII: ReBirth (Action 2)"

>end of part 2
>Original Cloud from original FFVII timeline enters REMAKE’s timeline through a time portal
>Along with Tifa (original outfit, bigger boobs)
>Both REMAKE crew and Original crew, along with REMAKE Sephiroth must team up to destroy Genesis

How hype would you be

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Because they all belong to the VAG(ina) which has an insane amount of rules like every time a VA reprises a role their are mandatory minimums and rate increases

>MiDgAr WaS LiNeAr In ThE oRiGiNaL
Notice how you faggot shills immediately jump to the use of the word "linear" when the posts you replied to never used the word
Linearity in itself is not necessarily a bad thing. The criticism is against a very specific type of linear hallway, that is an FF13 hallway which overstays its welcome in such a way that is fatal to the overall pacing.

>Ok, keep pretending we are gonna time travel to the future and help future cloud to save aerith
or go to the past and stop gast from getting killed
I suggest you go back and read what I said. You really aren't a native speaker of English, are you? I was just making fun of you at first but now I feel sorry for you.

This game isn't half as bad as XIII was

>hour-long FF13 hallways
ff13 was a 60-hour-long hallway. it's blatantly obvious that you haven't played 13, 7r, or the original 7 for that matter, and you're just going off memes.