Game presents you with a legitimately difficult decision

>Game presents you with a legitimately difficult decision

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If I save the woman, I can have sex with one woman. If I save the man, I can have sex with many women.

Money can buy women, women can't make you money, easy choice.

I'll take the money.

The chick might be a shit lay, and she's crying already and all, so I can tell she's not even gonna try very hard.

>difficult decision
if you're a fucking simp, maybe
take the money

I will save neither and allow the Ottomans to take Constantinople

>women can't make you money

they can if you pimp them out.

they're in the same cell. If I open the cell, I save them both.

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negotiate, how much money exactly?

But pimping ain't easy.

>not saving the roman emperor
you can get yourself all the roman pussies you want once he is free

i save the guy but make him my bitch boy slave

It's probably best to leave them both in then, the woman could get out.

I will save him and then use my wealth to buy her out.

>implying poon is ever worth more than dosh

>save the man
>use money to pay bail/bribe the guards

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Save the man then rape the woman anyway. What's she gonna do?

how do I know that either will honor their end?
Just because one has money doesn't mean he'll give it to me when he's freed.

Demand they fight to the death

>Save the man
>Get rich
>Buy the women's freedom
>Be rich and have living sex doll

>save man
>get money
>fuck multiple bitches

Said it first, get rekt noob.

Why wouldn't the man pay for his own freedom then?

Save her, and then fuck her in the room in front of him, then kill her and leave the body leave the room, lock the door, kill everyone else in the castle, and never come back.

>gf decides of her own accord and he just goes along with it because he doesn't want to lose her
He's not a pimp, he's just a cuck

You use the dude's money to buy out the girl.

Srsly, bruh

Mobile ads are fucking dumb

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Only the biggest incel on the planet would pick the woman. This isn't even remotely a decision.

They're in the same cell, you can't just save both?
Or is it more of a reprieve political thing than a jailbreak.
Either way, save the bro. Good business partners are worth more than any amount of fucks.

>Save the guy.
>Have sex with the guy.
>Be rich.

Is it really that easy? I need to install Tales of the Wind today!

Eh, they're probably locked up for a good reason, so I'll set neither of them free.

The woman is probably Frank, so I'll rescue the man (probably Charles)

this , you will literally become a hero of rome for saving the emperor therefore you will be :
>Hero of the empire
all you will have to do at that point is take any girl you wish

He is doing that with you.

>save man
>get money
>be rich
>buy women

>open cell
>save both
>have sex with the girl right there
>use her as a diversion for the guards later so you and your bro can escape


Walk away from the obvious scam

>Save the dude
>Become bros as well as rich
>Use money to buy whores
>In downtime hang with your new best bro
There is no other legitimate choice here.

Pimping is hardly even possible anymore because women do not need a man to whore themselves out.
Everyone who ever talks about their "brilliant" idea to coach a girl to become a titty streamer refuses to recognize that at some point the girl will realize that she has absolutely no need for the man and will cut him out. And this will usually be pretty soon

>game has clear morally good vs bad choices
>you have to make some bad ones to beat the villain

He paid for her implants

Cell bars.
Shove myself in between those free two, physics engine glitch, i get tossed out of bounds and save two hours.
Also game assume i picked the two options due a bug.

They're in the same cell, you save one you save the other

The woman is clearly as rich as the man and even says you can do "anything" you want to her so what's stopping sex and taking her treasury? It seems like the best of both worlds

There's no fucking way that's real

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Galactic brain

Evony is still around?

>trusting some guy
>not already being rich
You have to be pretty gay not to save the crying qt