Thoughts? I really enjoy this game

Thoughts? I really enjoy this game.

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It was rad as fuck. I’d like for them to do a remake of it like they did with nudoom, but without glory kills, double jumping and all that shit.

Playing it for the first time the past few days. It's actually fantastic, better than I really expected. I think the level design, inventory system, enemy designs, weapons etc. put it on another level from the first two Dooms which I played right before it. The D'Sparil boss fight is an absolute rush.

My only issues are that the wand is a shit weapon that runs out of ammo too quickly compared to Doom's pistol for how little damage it does and some of the maps in Episode 4 being a little obtuse. Episode 5 is an improvement so far, I really liked Rapids.

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Setting is great. However weapons aren't as satisfying to use and enemies feel like massive health sponges. Takes way too much ammo to kill.

It's a nice game but inferior to Doom.

amid evil is similar, at least thematically

Boring but heretic 2 bftos it into oblivion

Closest we're likely to get is Amid Evil.

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I prefer Hexen.

>the Corona has become ruler!
What did Corvus mean by this?

>When you activate the Tome of Power because the game threw a bunch of Iron Liches or Maulotaurs at you and you use Hellstaff to make it rain on them

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Played it for the first time because of quarantine, loved it. It's way better than DOOM ever was so it's a shame it's no longer around.

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The game is amazing and definitely the best Doom-clone along with Hexen. The music is great.

I'm a big fan of the Doom engine's attempts at castles. The swamp with the fort was one of my favorite levels in Hexen and Heretic had loads of them as well.
It's an extremely narrow appeal that no game today really fulfills, so I just find myself replaying the entire series each year

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This really was a fantastic final boss fight. I like Episodes 4 & 5 but they just end on encounters similar to 1 & 2 on a larger scale. All those wizards at once while trying to find and rush down D'Sparil before he teleports away was a blast, nearly a bullet hell at times when they were all casting in your direction.

Try the Doom mod Hellforged. It does them a lot more justice.

Heretic 2 was kino
childhood defining game

Its a fucking doom reskin except infinitely more tedious because the "shotgun" is garbage

it still hurts...

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Only played the first episode but I thought it was incredibly boring. Weak weapons, bland enemies, and a fucking atrocious soundtrack.

>pull switch
>something happens somewhere
>spend 20 minutes painstakingly backtracking
>opened a random wall panel on the other side of the map
>which reveals a switch that makes something happen somewhere

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The wand and staff suck dick but the rest are all great, especially when you use the Tome.

Pretty good. Art style was a bit goofy.
Tomes of Power are definitely highlights. Weapons all being 1:1 Doom Weapon reskins always makes me laugh. The game only got dragged down by the expansion episode that fell into a lot of pitfalls that the base game didn't.
It's the sort of TC that makes you want to make your own, but from what I've seen any sort of Doom/Quake TC is a gigantic fucking pain in the ass with an awkward as fuck workflow.

I like the Mace a lot and I don't think it has a Doom analogue, what with its projectiles that bounce along the ground. Crossbow is basically a shotgun but it's projectile with a wide spread rather than hitscan which is a little different.

Played it for like 7 hours today.

On episode 3 in nightmare. It's fucking hard.

Activision owns it now, you don't want that

TES6 will probably be that

looks neat, I'll have to give it a go

Lay off the skooma

Such a casual brainlet take. And this is from a huge brainlet speaking.

Almost every switch in Hexen is evident and obvious what it does. The level design in heretic and Hexen is so good and flows together so well and so masterfully crafted that it's should be, to a non retard, obvious or clear what a switch will activate.

I got stuck like 3 times in the entirety of Hexen AND the expansion and had to look up a guide. And each time was from my own incompetence they were my fault not the games.

I thought id still owns the rights to Heretic/Hexen, but Activision owns Raven. That's why Heretic 2/Hexen 2 Expansion aren't on Steam due to rights issues.

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It's great. I like it far more than Hexen, but everyone always just recommends Hexen as if Heretic doesn't exist.

Im a horder for items so I end up never using them. I always do the "I'll wait for a better opportunity to use this" then never do. Next thing you know im at the end episode boss with 4 tomes, 2 invincible rings, 5 eggs etc

I much preferred Quake 1's "you pick it up it's used" where the maps where designed around if there's a quad damage sitting there then it's designed to be used right there.

With Heretic and Hexen I usually feel like in most scenarios my default weaponry can be sufficient to take out most threats and I don't want to waste a tome.

>Raven has spent a decade being the "support team" for the Call of Duty franchise, hopping around to Infinity Ward, Treyarch, etc. and helping them get the game complete on time
>The last non-CoD project they did was Singularity
I remember back when getting the Game Informer issue where Singularity was the cover story.

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sorry mate but you just have the tism

Any company like this is just in name now anyway. Literally nobody who made these games what they are aren't there anymore.

Rare has none of classic rare people.
Raven has none of the classic raven people.
ID and 3D realms the same. It's just old names, user.

Wondering can I get Heretic to work on GZ Doom or other modern programs that plays Doom?

I mostly didn't have the time to fidget with my inventory while in combat so I just put flasks on and used them if I got hit hard, maybe put on a Tome right before running in. Maybe mapping scrolling my inventory to tilting my mouse wheel left and right as a bad idea.

Im autistic because you're dumb and get lost?


Literally just drag the wad onto the .exe

Oh, the mace is pretty great, that one is definitely unique. Even if the Tome of Power means it renders your screen unusable, pft.

This. When companies like this get "punished" by a publisher for a flop or forced to shit our sequels forever, the talented members of the team abandon ship and start or join another studio.

The only part that REALLY stumped me when I played it were the two switches in the Guardian of Iron that switched the corridors at the base of the elevators.
The only way I found out what they were doing was when I opened the automap accidentally and caught the hallways shifting on the other side of the map

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Fuck, that's lame. Will probably never get another Hexen/Heretic game ever then.

Guess then Amid Evil is the closest you'll ever get to a modern Hexen.

Cool thanks.

You should wand-start each map to force yourself to use items liberally instead of trying to save anything for the next map. Doing that made the game more fun to me. I needed the psychological trick to override my stupid hoarder instincts even though I knew I was having less fun by not using tomes as I found them.

Based Hexenchad

Absolutely, that's how I'm playing it now. It's just a .wad file like Doom & Doom II, it's just that it added in its own assets and mechanics on top.

Amid Evil has zero Hexen DNA in it, it's pure Heretic.
Still a fine game, though.