Does anyone even care anymore?

Does anyone even care anymore?

Attached: SQ_NSwitch_SuperSmashBrosUltimate_02.jpg (1000x1000, 421.55K)

Why is megaman so bad?

I do
I mean he's kinda alright if you know what to do.

You obviously do

>Game isn't fun
>Surprised when arena threads lasted for two weeks before everyone stopped playing and only speculates about DLC
Smash cycle

Absolutely not.

megaman is very good, watch kameme

Yeah, I still play it. Locals and tourneys don't get hosted right now, which is frustrating because the online is filled with teabagging laggy Ganondorfs that no-one wants to see.


gonna be completely honest man, my smash hype died with etika, just doesn't feel the same anymore

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Etika's death and Byleth pretty much killed Ultimate.

I still play it but now with corona I cant play it with my bro, very hyped about fighter pass 2 too

PLEASE kill yourself

etika already did that for me

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Yes, literally everyone with more than a passing interest in video games cares.

Dante when ??

Me, I have over 800 hours

Anyone who even has a passing interest in games is probably moving on to Doom Eternal and Animal Crossing. Nobody in April 2020 wakes up and thinks "boy, I REALLY feel like getting my ass kicked in an unplayable, shitty framerate subpar fighting game!"

Can I request someone to make a custom stage?

>waah where are the mutts like life is strannge and trannies like last of us

>Nobody in April 2020 wakes up and thinks "boy, I REALLY feel like getting my ass kicked in an unplayable, shitty framerate subpar fighting game!"
Of course not.
Sf5 has been dead for ages.

Games good but I got tired after like 500 online matches. Plus my mains, the Belmonts, are the least touched characters in patches.

Lost interest when I figured out I can't play a pirated copy online.

>“fire emblem has too many characters, i personally would have preferred someone else from a less represented franchise“

The people saying this aren't actual Smashfags. They're just trolls looking to get (you)s.

Arenas still happen on weekends though, I played last week.
Actually thought this was the Arena thread and clicked it.

we have a deadline for mystery nigga #6 now so there are less "durr reveal when" threads, that's all

>less represented franchise
no one cares
this isn't politcs. cuck

No one says it period.

No. How many times do I have to tell you nobody cares about the actual game of smash? It's all about the roster

Y-Yes they do? Were you not on Yas Forums during Byleth's reveal? It was nothing but "HOES MAD" posting.

Did you have to do SFV like that though?

virgins were happy

I think Banjo is already Microsoft rep that why I think other Microsoft exclusive character have no chance now but I might be wrong

There hasn't been a fun Smash since Brawl. Inb4 muh tripping. Yea it was a dumb addition, but not even close to a game ruiner. Melee was better no doubt, but Brawl was pretty damn fun.

How long should people care about a game? It’s been out for over a year.

Nope they've already consoomed and getting ready for next product

Fuck byleth in smash. this is a case of a dirty female using her skin to steal a job from a hard working white man like crash bandipoop! feminazis like fembeth have no place is smash!

>enjoyment of a game is predicated on a streamer
Did your parents drop you?


oh and another kinda understated thing is that corona killed tourneys so we don't have those stream gamethreads with the same 4 /e/ ops anymore

I like smash Yas Forumseekend :3

God, it fucking physically DISGUSTS me to consort with fauna of your subhuman intellectual caliber. It ABHORS me. I cachinnate JUBILANTLY.

Im tired of the shitty online.