Objective WoW race ranking. You CANNOT refute this

Objective WoW race ranking. You CANNOT refute this.


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OP is a fag

Sorry I don't play shit games

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Fixed it.

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dark iron females really turn me on for some reason

Pawg with fine facial features and exotic skin and eyes.

fuckin cringe op, taosting the based shit here

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Blood Elf female is obvious in the S tier no matter your deniability.
Statistics proves that.



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KT is cool. considering switching to it, but I don't want to lose Shadowmeld.

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In Shadowlands you get Shadowmeld for free if you pick the Night Fae covenant

But then you have to pick the Night Fae covenant.

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Tranny coomer

only chads and stacies allowed

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Cliche undead and boring ass normal human S rank. Yeah ok, bozo.

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only thing i would change is move pandas and worgen male into F tier

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>Consistently top ranked
>Even at the top of the horde player's list
>Even at the top of the coomer's list
Is this what its like to be the most based race in Warcraft?

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dwarves are peak aesthetics in any game. warcraft is no different. literally the best race in the fantasy genre.

Nobody gives a shit what race you play unless you're at the absolute edge of pvp or pve where it occasionally matters, fuck off

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>Ethereal still not playable

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and here comes the autist to tell people to stop having fun kek

>ethereals will never be playable
>arakkoa will never be playable

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>Ogres still not playable

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Human male S tier, human female A tier, everything else goes in F tier.

As opposed to special snowflakes who get off on playing unpopular or ugly characters or actually autistic retards who get upset with anyone who doesn't play human?

>Undead S Rank
he based, don't even need to read the rest

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