What were your favorite games in elementary school?

What were your favorite games in elementary school?

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Cave explorer with my dad

>Penguins of Madagascar
Of all the cartoons from that period, why the fuck did you choose that one?


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It was better than the other stuff on Nick at the time, which isn't saying much

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Die zoomer

Elementary school is, what, like the first 3 years of secondary school?

>American education
Kill yourself.

Grades 1-5 in the US, sometimes up to Grade 6.
Average age of a grade 1 student is 6, then about 10 in grade 5

Wow. What a shitty childhood. Imagine growing up with that stuff and not knowing it's garbage.

People older than you thought the same about your Pokemon and Fairly oddparents, that they were adhd crap.

I'm argentinian, we have primary (6 years) and secondary (6 years) school, and two years of kindergarten.
So it's more or less like primary school.

yeah basically

Don't you have some "downfall into shit" copypastas to spam?

Loved this game so much

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Fairly Oddparents was always shit, they repeat the same jokes like 5 times in every episode. Butch Hartman's best works were his What a Cartoon shorts he did at Cartoon Network.

>he thinks thats exclusive to america
go spread your corona somewhere else

that's beside the point, you know what his point was

Stfu. Fairly OddParents was kino.

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no uwu

Wait a minute how old is gangnam style
>8 years ago

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>there are people on Yas Forums who were born in 2002
>Billie Eilish is older than them
>they see nothing wrong with this

ok zoomer

The iphone changed us Millennial forever though. Thank god I don't have to get a gf/married anymore as a 29 year old black man

>mfw my generation is almost all unmarried around the world

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What's your point?

It's an 18+ site, they're 18 years old, what is the fucking problem? People age, times change, get over it.

We run this shit now. Get out.

>>mfw my generation is almost all unmarried around the world
Yeah, if you're black.

Screaming and bright colors = kino?

born in 2002 here, I grew up on the PS2 and flash games, and most kids didn't have an iPhone until middle school.

Just imagine for a second, Billie fucking Eilish being older than you. Billie. Fucking. Eilish. The popstar who was born after 9/11. Is older than them.

Sorry but this is all around the world for all races. Slowly becoming single mothers/unwedded.

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Pokemon and Hamtaro mostly.

Cant you see this website has changed? Its getting too new for you. Why are you even talking about an artist? Get out.

Yes user, that's how time works.

So? Cartoon Network and Disney had plenty of good cartoons back then.

And I thought *I* was young.

Get these underage after911ers off my website.

Chris-Chan is older than you buddy, nobody gives a shit.

They were shit by 2008 zoomer. 90s-2004 was their golden age.

And what are you gonna do about it?

Ahahahaha your brain structure is common core ahahahahaha

>Tapan Kaikki Ultimate
>Assault Trooper
>Nigger in the Wonderland
>Scorched Earth
>Duke Nukem 1,2,3D
>Streed Rod
>Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion
>Commander Keen 1-6
>Bio Menace
>Super Mario
>Duck Hunt
and many others I can't remember

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shut the fuck up boomer

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>call people young
>acts like a baby

Listen, kid. If you were born after 9/11, at the very least you should recognize that you missed out. I was born in the 90s and I missed out. The golden age was the late 60s-early 2000s. Things started going to shit in the mid-2000s, and by the late 2000s things were already irredeemable. It's just the way it is. Sorry!

Pokemon gen's 1-2
Smash bros 64
Dynasty warriors 2
Mega Man extreme mission 2
Any mario game.

your parents cry at night at the 30yo rotting in his room smelling of farts while most of these zoomers are doing something for themselves in the least

>I'm just gonna type words
Right. I'm tooootally convinced to leave your website because of WORDS. lol