You have 7 seconds to tell me why Final Fantasy 7:Remake isn't goty

You have 7 seconds to tell me why Final Fantasy 7:Remake isn't goty

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Realistically speaking, which game will win GOTY? persona fags need to not apply since their game actually released not in 2020. No, royal cant win since it is a full priced remaster.

Last of us 2 is dead, Cyberpunk probably could, but doom eternal? alyx? r3make is already way too disliked to win

>not original
>not FFX

its bad

>step down from FFXV in every single way

>doom eternal
Already got a bunch of flak. I'm thinking Alyx because it's Valve.
Remake deserves it tho

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Time Janiels

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Yeah, with the rona delaying releases, the pickings are going to be pretty slim this year. This has an extremely good shot to win simply by circumstances allowing it to be the only big deal of the year.

corridors and cut-scenes the game.
tfw Yas Forums likes movie games now.


i mean how is it that 15 contains more story and gameplay then 7r? there is literally no excuse. 15 is a full game at least
>inb4 teehee 7r is a full game since they (fleshed out midgar) durrr

It’s okay if Japan does it

Trials of mana.
Better game, even if you compare the originals, and didn't shoved nomura shit into it.


Because it’s not the end of the year yet

If we're comparing it to FFXV at launch, then yeah FFXV has a really pretty overworld, and the roadtrip feel was spot on. But the Combat and the Story is significantly inferior to FF7r

Because a remake should never be GotY. That would just be nostalgia speaking.

because it isn't a full game

Because Last of Us 2 is also this year. You're a fool if you think FF7R even remotely stands a chance to the sequel of the game that got 200 awards

actual goty comes out next month

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>last of us 2

get a load of this massive faggot

Resident evil 7 exists though.

>a franchise no one would no about without smash bros

Animal crossing has already made twice its sales, so no.

Xeno series is popular because of KOS-MOS spam since 2007, not smash zoomer.

Animal Crossing has longer lasting appeal.

Cyberpunk will win goty, but it wont deserve it. The cdprojekt dickriding from most of the internet is frankly embarassing.

if you are a tranny yes.

>milks like 8 environments with tons of filler because they could only afford to make 1/4 of a game but they tricked people into thinking they were "EXPANDING" on the content
>makes up bullshit ending that makes no sense just so it doesn't end in on a 1/4 game midboss anticlimax
>not even a real remake, just a fanservice game for people who already played FF7

That terrible part where you have to knock down the chandelier. One of the worst pieces of gameplay I've ever experienced. It just felt so cheap.

it's literally the equivalent of a good movie with a shitty ending

I'm not even sure if that's coming out this year, they'd probably be wise to just wait with all their issues compounded with a pandemic.

Trials of Mana

Animal Crossing is gacha tier, you play it for 30 minutes to an hour and then put it down for the day. Rinse and repeat.

how much cock do you smoke?

The combat in 7R is good, but the story is a trash fire worse than XV's. All they had to do to ensure it would be a slam dunk was stick to the already existing story but they couldn't even do that right.

Well, i'm in luck. I'm transitioning from a male to an alpha male.

lmao good one user!

Little to some. Good cock smoking takes time.

Because that's chosen at the end of the year user, it couldn't be goty yet

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But it IS GOTY. Why would I refute it?

>didnt even play the game
dont worry PC will get it next year you can go back to shitposting though

>popular because of KOS-MOS
no one knows what that is you dumbass nerd

It's frivolous and emotionless where the original was emotional and meaningful.

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I wouldnt be so sure, FF7s main problem (for most, not me I've gotten used to Nomuras autism so its interesting to watch) was the ending, but most of the way through you got a consistent story.

Now when I played FFXV the story didnt really pick up until right at the end where Leviathan pops up, Luna dies (which was such a waste of a character), Ignis goes blind and all that, the Empire was wasted potential and while I did like Ardyn, there wasn't enough there for me to be invested in him as a main character, now the DLC's did flesh him out but Im just comparing games at launch.

The combat. music and characters is honestly enough to make it goty, if you dont enjoy the story , but story is 90% the same shit as original

This actually has a good chance to win for the nostalgia it's giving to boomers despite the decisive endings. It'll come down to this or Cyberpunk, maybe Doom. TLOU will disappoint

its getting way to much hype because its legit the only good game to come out this year so far. its a pretty standard action game that would get roasted if it didnt carry the FFVII title. the nomura shit only happens in like the last 2 hours so no one really cares.

Its a slog, the environment go from gorgeous set pieces to really fucking ugly copy and pasted levels and the combat system is jarring if not just good enough for casuals but leaves no room for experimentation. itll for sure win awards on name alone so whatever

Doom Eternal changed the formula so much it turned off just about everyone, Animal Crossing will never win anything.

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>It's frivolous and emotionless
Wrong as fuck holy shit
it has more soul and moments than every FF after X

The music feels like fanservice designed to appeal to people who liked the original soundtrack rather than an actual soundtrack that stands on its own as a video game. Everything is remixes.

>Now when I played FFXV the story didnt really pick up until right at the end where Leviathan pops up
I think the problem most people have with FFXV is that they think that's the end. It's not even close. The problem is, everybody spends ages in the open world parts at the beginning so it FEELS like that's the end. But that's barely meant to be that halfway point in the story.