Where do I truly start?

>Lightning trilogy are the only FF games I have played
Only one that was just barely enjoyable was LR and only because it amended all the flaws with 13 and 13-2's combat systems.
Which game should I play next? I still posses a PS2 if anyone recs anything older.

Attached: finalfantasy.jpg (1280x720, 180.18K)

Other urls found in this thread:


play X and 15 the rest are garbage

1 (GBA remake if you don't want to spend too much time) if you like d&d

4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12 are generally considered worth playing
1 and 2 if you really want to see the roots, but they're very barebones
Haven't played 3 or 5 myself
I personally liked 8 but it's a hot mess
11 and 14 are MMOs
15 is the DNF of FF

Play 4-7 and 9
Maybe play 8, 10 and 12 if you want something in the same vein but different.
Avoid 15


FF Tactics is great, and so is Crystal Chronicles. But I played that co-op, don't remember if it's fun on your own.

7 is the only good game in the entire series.
8 is kind of good in a sort of surrealism kind of way so its worth watching on youtube.

Vote in the poll

>Lightning trilogy are the only FF games I have played
Why in the fuck did you start with the XIII trilogy?

Underage clearly

If you're going to play you might as well make it the best game in the series.
4, the PSP version

If you only play one other Final Fantasy, play VI, which is III on the U.S. SNES release. Long story, but basically Square didn't release every Final Fantasy game in the U.S. originally and to not confuse players they renumbered 6 as 3 so that players wouldn't wonder where the missing games went. All it did was cause more confusion, so the community reached consensus and always uses the original numbering scheme and refers to it as 6 unless the person talking to you explicitly specifies that they are referring to the U.S. SNES numbering scheme or giving you an explanation of the situation like I am right now.

After that, I really enjoy VII and IX. Also, I'm really sorry your first experience to the franchise was to one of the worst entries.

FFXIV's free trial on PC or PS4 (everyone plays on the same servers) up to level 35. ;^)


Attached: ARR Lightning.jpg (2148x1800, 1.34M)

I highly recommend not doing this.

Attached: 1562006132872.jpg (1920x1080, 389.75K)

>Lightning trilogy are the only FF games I have played
based, me too

Do the exact opposite of what this man says

>skipping V
The only reason why it isn’t as famous is because it wasn’t released in the west, not that it matters to a lot of us because they didn’t bother releasing FF outside of the US but Americans are the loudest and most self-centred people in the entirety of the anglo-sphere. The thing is, everyone says V is worth playing when they remember it.

wtf happened to your text bubble, alisaie?

Nevermind, didn’t read your full post.

>>Lightning trilogy are the only FF games I have played
Holy shit just fuck off, don't play any, you're a pathetic mess and you're beyond help, get the fuck out of my sight.

UI mod I used changed text boxes in an update, and I just put up with it for a bit before canning it.

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Attached: 1558212626082.jpg (1920x1080, 277.52K)

How the fuck are elezan so small at the age of 16 yet so tall as soon as they turn like 18?

The twins are going to be midgets forever, because they're cuter like that.
They'll explain it away as Louisoix having fucked a lalafell or something.

Attached: 1585481087792.jpg (1920x1080, 196.19K)

They live longer so they don't hit their final height until they're like 30. Or I don't know.

What is the best way to play IX?

On a television or computer screen


On a device

>Not playing it on you PSP or Vita...

>20 bucks
The life of the buyfag is one of pain...

FFV for sure, one of the best class systems I have ever seen, so much to try and play around with. The only FF that has some replayability IMO

They all fucking suck