Whoa a dragon thread

Whoa a dragon thread

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I want to fuck and do romantic things to a dragon!

Can someone post gifs of the BOF3 dragons? They're the best. Besides the BOF4 dragons, who are polite and kind people.

So yall do have 20k+ wyrmite saved up dont you? You didnt blow it all on these trash bait banners did you?

of course

I have half of that + tickets, and already have every Part 1 FE character, i’ll be good for Part 2

Anyone try this? It looks really barebones, and I don't see how they could flesh out the gameplay.

>that first review


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Where? I must study it for reasons.

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nice dragon design...

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nowhere because nobody drew it :(

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i wish i was a dragon

You should be able to evolve 3 star dragons and they have a chance of turning into a four or five star dragon.

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Why must you hurt me so? I'll settle for Rath mating press anything.

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This is my husband, Veldora Tempest. Say something nice about him!

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i didn't bother reading the event's story due to cringe levels how was he

god i wish i was a dragon

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>Loses to a slime

Nice husband, fag!

Thank you, he is indeed a nice husband.

Glad to hear it :D

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heres rath giving a talonjob

would you rather have a dragon as
A. your girlfriend
B. your mom
C. both

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He is also an edgelord. He hates humanity and is pissed that his body was defiled and fused to a human, and he tries to break out and take control of the edgy human but gets shut in by the power of friendship and all that.

Dragon thread, you say? Allow me to post one of the coolest dragons around.

Attached: Ugin-the-Spirit-Dragon-Highres.jpg (1200x1532, 185.85K)

Yeah so, before the thread dies. Just wanted to say, you dragonfuckers are alright sometimes.

I swear everytime i see one of those baby dragon shitter drop down from a summon, i just want to kick them like a football


im curious, how do you even get sexually attracted to dragons? what kinda things did you grow up with for these things to develop? ive had a life long affinity for dragons but i dont wanna bone them, im more curious how this happens more than anything

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here's your dragon, bro

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I like kobolds more.

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love this guy

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'Scuse me, coming through.

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Kobolds are inferior and less cute than the all powerful ADORABLE dragons!

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thats a bird

Tell that to Cygames. Apparently anything is a dragon to them.

Whoa a shit thread

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I don't know what it was like for other anons but for me I sexually imprinted on animals before people and then had complete unsupervised access to the internet as a 12 year old, using limewire to further do more damage while also finding out about Yas Forums at age 14 which led to me discovering high tail hall and somehow dragons became the top of my "this is attractive" list

nonsense, it's clearly a dragon. Just like the dragon Kirin here

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Very well drawn. Has the artist done any other Rathalos images?

Yeah, but recently they nuked their FA and twitter

i like it tho

Not much, you can check e621 and you will see another talon job and sfw images of rath

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I'm attracted to anything nonhuman that's cute, sexy, or has some humanlike traits. For instance I love asses so an aspect of dragons that gets me going is their rears. The tail, large body, and thighs lead to generally nicely shaped asses. They're also exotic and capable of destroying things easy. To me I find them more appealing as friendly protectors.

D. Gimme the dragon D

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I hope that Part 2 will be good. Three weeks of Part 1 will be a snore fest, the content will most likely still be balanced around when Core Weapons we’re the most powerful weapons you could get.

That's a sexy Garchomp. Last chomp image I saw that really turned my crank was him against a tree while Charizard finished all over his back. Only thing that could made it hotter was if Garchomp blew a load on the tree indicating he got off too.