This is a good video game

This is a good video game.

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it really is.

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i guess so yeah. Game says i got 45 hours out of it.

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>but a bad [game] game.

It's a game. I'll give it that.

>paying 60$ for a 2 hour game

about half of a good video game

>when the tacked-on multiplayer game turns out better

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It's ME3 all over again


I miss ME3 multiplayer so much.

It's a good game but overpriced. That being said, people trying to say the game is bad because the price are wrong.

Yeah I'm thinking he's based.



Good but short. Not worth 60 dollars.

Why is it so linear? Why are there so many scripted moments? Why are there so many QTEs in Resident Evil games again? This is almost as bad as RE6.

There's practically no QTEs past the cinematic prologue though and the one or two left over are literally just "press forward to keep moving" so you'll never even fuck up. I don't get why people keep pretending as if it's riddled with as many QTEs as RE4-6.

Cover is better than REmake 2.

noooooooo you're supposed to not like this game!!!11

I would absolutely love to play Resident Evil 3 but I will adamantly refuse to do so out of principle until it graces the Nintendo Switch. This is the kind of game that would be perfect for it.

The Switch has spoiled me. Never again will I return to the old ways of gaming. And I'm not alone.

It's so comfy.

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It pic related from a movie?

Is*, I'm drunk.

Scouts guide to the zombie apocalypse

Thanks! ;)

I never played the original. Give it to me straight Yas Forums: Should I buy this remaster on PC?

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RE3 is in fact a good game. It would be better with single player replayability but the (short) campaign is fun and Resistance is cool.

its a little too linear and it has WAY too little nemesis encounters, buts yeah its cool.
if you want more re2make, then yes

I too love games at 30 fps 720 p in the year 2020

is it less replayable than re2make? is it shorter than re2make? IS resistance cool? If the answer is yes to any of these I think you got a case of retardation my man.

if you count having to play the 95% identical game twice as "omg its twice as long" you certainly do have the retardation.

I got emotionally buttrammed by the consistent 1-2 hit kill scenarios due to nemesis/hunters early game, but then I spent 30 minutes reloading and practicing the dodge mechanic until I mastered it and after that I enjoyed the rest of the game as a faster-paced action experience vs RE2make. The multiple chars/routes in RE2make were mostly bullshit padding with little progression incentive for multiple playthroughs, I much prefer the unlock system of RE3make where at least you get gameplay altering bonuses for multiple completions. I still absolutely despise the damage sponge rng zombie design in the remakes and hope they don't carry that through to RE4 as it would completely ruin the weapon progression system there.

>I still absolutely despise the damage sponge rng zombie design
do you and the other retards realise that you dont NEED to kill them and arent supposed to. youre the kind of person that 'kills' them and then knifes/shoots them again on the ground to wake them up arent you