Final Fantasy VII REMAKE sales are Spectacular

Looks like tons of people bought it digitally, PSN pre-orders exploded after the demo release, I think it easily sold 1.2 million in Japan with digital included

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How will boomers EVER recover?

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Post more Tifa

Fucking duh it's gonna be the highest digital there are both more people on this planet and physical is dead

WOAH the HIGHEST?? In a time where people can't physically buy or even go outside? WOAH GUYS!
did you know that it only sold half of the physical copies that Final Fantasy XV did? :O

How long before we get the full remake? 3 years?

Since most people can't get it physical its to be expected to sell drastically higher digital.

In your dreams. Enjoy fighting Neo Ex-Death Seifer Sephiroth Angel in 2025

>Final Fantasy VII REMAKE sales are Spectacular
Where does it say that in your image?
All he is talking about is the ratio of digital sales versus physical sales.

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Woah 1.2 million. That's about ten times less than the ORIGINAL managed back when games were cheaper to make.

I'm getting flashbacks to people insisting that FFXV was extremely successful.

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well, with everyone stuck at home, of course video games are gonna get played.

I've been in a few threads here today sharing insider information and can confirm Final fantasy viir preformed as expected. However part two will have a different subtitle.

A guy who works for me booked the whole week off to play it.
Could have done that without booking any time off, we're all working from home anyway, and I don't give a shit.

Yea sure, fine I'll indulge, what are they changing then Mr. Insider? What are they keeping?

Wow it's like this thread doesn't need to be made or that statement doesn't need to be pointed out. No fucking shit it will be the highest selling JRPG, it's running off of years of pure hype.

I am a communications expert at square and I know about the manipulative marketing, about the game being a sequel, I know about nomuras misdeeds and how the writers are aggravated with him. I also know neither of the leading ladies will die. I know what they're going to do with zack and I know that vincent might not be in the game. Part 2 is barely 40% complete as they are tweaking the engine and finalizing the story for part 2. I also know that this final fantasy vii timeline will link to kingdom hearts.

This is just PS4.

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I'd rather wait for the whole game and not the metal gear solid ground zeroes of final fantasy

>link to kingdom hearts

Fuck off LARPER

Alright dude sure lmao

>digital sales of a major jrpg

A whole lot of competition in that category?

But GZ was a more enjoyable experience than TPP. Learning that the latter was the full game and all I was going to get was deeply depressing.

Yas Forums btfo yet again
suck it

Because postal services were delayed and people didn’t wanna go out. You’re so fucking stupid. GLOBAL. PANDEMIC.

Plus no one in comms calls themselves a fucking "communications expert" unless they have their head up their ass.

Yeah, to be fair if V was made up entirely of ground zeroes styled scenarios it would undoubtedly be one of the best games ever made, but it wasn't

It's not so much kingdom hearts but it will explain how cloud, earth, tifa, yuffie cid, and sephiroth came to ne in the kingdom hearts universe as barret, and nanaki (red xiii) will be killed off. This is why many in the office are speculating as to why vincent is the only character without a model since none of those 3 appear in the kingdom hearts franchise as featured characters. In fact nomura wishes to do this with every final fantasy game that is connected to kingdom hearts.

I hope we get official numbers soon

That sounds based as fuck desu.

I imagine part 2 will be way bigger than part 1 and it took five years to make it. I don't think the complete game will be done for at least 15 years.