*kills 20 civilians*
*betrays the Titans*
*causes a country-wide flood*
*blots out the sun*
*uses a woman's body to jam a gear*
*kills 20 more civilians*

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I hope people don't Kratos is some tragic anti-hero or some shit. He caused most of his problems and took it out on the world.

Look, Kratos is a very complicated character, ok? He loved his family.

The gods lied to him about getting rid of his memories of killing his family then they stopped his suicide attempt and made him a god, should've given him the damn memory wipe.

>Muh family
>Ends the world
Selfish cunt

Kratos did nothing wrong.

>Kratos being a sociopath asshole
That was the average behaviour for a greek god. You probably wouldnt get admitted in the pantheon if you havent killed a couple hundred guys at least

While all this is true, he never claimed to be a good guy.

The series isn't called "The Ender of War" or "The Savior of Mankind" for a reason. At the end of 1, he literally just became the god of war and was personally involved in killing whoever was in Sparta's way.

I'll be honest, by the third game I just stopped caring. Like, why should I care if he succeeds in getting his revenge when he isn't even the lesser of two evils and has no charisma? 3 was just a spectacle.

holy based
how can i be as chad as kratos?

>personally involved in killing whoever was in Sparta's way.
Which no one asked him to do, thats why Zeus got rid of him. He was a piece of shit since the day he was born, which makes the "redemption" arc of the last game comical

nu Kratos is such a fag compared to young Kratos

By becoming a school shooter.

Haven't played the most recent game. I mean, if there's a way he can bring everyone back to life or if he becomes a god again and is able to make the world better with his powers, then redemption is possible. Anything less than that would be what you say, comical.

>gods promise to erase his memory and guilt if he defeats ares aka the god of war
>he does
>yea but what you did was kinda really fucked up man we're not gonna do that lol live with it
>tries to commit suicide
>lol no you're a god of war now you have to live with it
the gods deserve it for not erasing his memory of it and making him a borderline school shooter then giving him godhood

Nah, he doesnt give a fuck about killing everyone back at Greece, he just wants to live a peaceful life in the woods but life is unfair and he keeps getting into trouble
Barlog didnt understood the character of Kratos, Kratos wasnt an antihero,but a monster created by the gods that ended destroying them, and the fun part was that you were controlling the monster in a slasher movie where a bunch of good for nothing gods got what they deserved, nothing more nothing less. Kratos should have stayed dead after 3


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kratos has been a little bitch since the very first game
>thinks he's hot shit
>army gets BTFO by a literal who barbarian

based young Kratos

He never asked to be a god they forced it upon him so he said fuck you and went full Ares mode

Reminder that Old Man Kratos would rightfully win and put down Young Kratos like a mad dog.

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>Ares goes on a rampage
Zeus: Kratos, go an kill Ares
>Make Kratos the new god of war, he goes on a rampage first thing in the morning
Zeus: I dont understand kids these days...

Zeus tricked Kratos and then wiped the entire Spartan army, which was at that point a considerable population of the entire Greece, in one swoosh of the blade of Olympus.
Gaia turns on Kratos boasting how he is only just a pawn, nothing more. Good for her.
Kratos only wanted to fight Zeus, nobody else. But Zeus didn't face him. Instead he sent his brother and other gods in his way. They were full of hubris. Helios tried to trick him and paid for it. Hermes was taunting him for what purpose? Kratos did nothing wrong. The only questionable kill was the woman slave. Hera became a complete disgrace to the family ideals and thought she would get away with her drama.
All of the civilians were fucking jews living it large on mount Olympus in the grace of the gods. They were the equivalent of billionaires living in their $250M compounds with private military guards and yearly subscriptions of $10M to the golf court just to prove they have the right to live there.

I know! What a chad, right?

Sounds like your average petty asshole Greek god shenanigans

I hope the claws of Hades make a comeback and we get to succ some Aesir.

They should have made it go full circle, with some mortal hero showing up at the end to kill Kratos just like he did to Ares.

The only way to save this franchise is by Kratos dying first thing in the next game and Loki becoming a maniac edgelord. I dont want to play another magical Last of Us

Greek gods are based

Do GoW Titans have any special powers besides being big and going ooga booga? Gods can do that too but they have other special abilities like Poseidon's control of the sea for example.

Kratos kills Hercules there's no "mortal" that can stop him

WTF that's literally the Last of Us. Ellie is an unlikable psycho cunt and Joel gets killed off. Atreus is an actually good person.

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The powers you get in GoW 2 are all from the Titans after Zeus drains the original powers from GoW 1, they're linked to certain elements like fire, earth and lightning.

So if that's the case, the Gaia vs Zeus fight is completely underwhelming and that the Titans are completely mismatched. What made them think they can take on the OP as fuck gods a second time?

Joel is the psycho who tries to bury his past, the same as Kratos is doing. If Atreus is Loki he cant keep being "good" much longer