A Toast, I Say!

A Toast, I Say!
A Toast To All Things Mount & Blade!!!

Butterlord thread
Post yer

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I'm too toaster to play Bannerlord but Warband is some good shit.

I know M+B lets you rape women, can you rape boys?

It's honestly not that much more taxxing than Warband to run at low settings. It's just poorly optimized (and improving at an encouragingly quick rate).

I do wonder if we'll see custom animation mods.
We can only hope.

is she cute

i downloaded the futa mod so i am impregnating and being impregnated by my waifu 24/7

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>futa mod

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its the gay marriage mod but I ignore the fag part

Reminder that mexxico is a dumb fucking faggot and should kill himself so that someone more competent than him, like a janitor in their office or some hobo down their street, take his place and actually fixes Bannerlord economy.

Merchantry is some OP shit.
I kinda wish battles were this profitable. Coming out of 100v100 field battles with 1 out of the 50 axes their infantry had is some bullshit.

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turns out the game doesn't check to see if you partner is of the same sex, since it was never intended.
which means if you at least have a wife, she can get impregnated even if the player is a woman.

This is starting to become a general and should be moved to /vg/. Prove me wrong.

And she can impregnate you!

Try leveling trading by buying low, selling at at least a profit.
Taking ages.

Try leveling by exploiting a bug by selling and rebuying what i sold in my town, putting it in the stash and then taking it out and repeating it over and over.
Still taking fucking years. And costing a couple grand each cycle.

Realize that the perk im working towards (Everything has a Price) at trading level 225 that lets you trade settlements with other lords is also broken and you can get anything you want for peanuts apparently.

They've really got to prioritize fixing stuff like borked perks. Training troops is now a really painfully slow slog. And it probably wouldnt be the case if just a few of the perks worked as intended.
And settlements starving themselves if its not fixed already. Ortysia in my last game was a black hole food wise because of 9k prosperity.
Whereas Rovalt in my current go around is self sufficient with 4k prosperity.

Im enjoying the game otherwise.

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so that means... male couples can impregnate each other too?

Pretty sure there's an informal grace period where relevant new releases aren't immediately shoved into /vg/ to die.
What the fuck else is on the catalog anyway? Not joking when i say that Half of it right now is actually just shit non-vidya waifu threads, there are at least 5 FF7 threads, a handful of Animal crossing threads, but you specifically have a problem with a single thread about a series Yas Forums has loved for a long ass time?

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Nope, fags get no babies, and deserve death

I just finished conquering the whole map in a save that started in 1.06. How have the newer patches been?

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you're wrong until smash threads are deleted on-sight

This is an early access game. By your logic we should expect Bannerlord general shilling for a year on Yas Forums.

It's because trading increases by amount of product sold with a profit, you'll get shitload of trade xp trading a lot of items over making a lot of profits.

Hard to consider it shilling or a general when you can't search Bannerlord in the catalog and find the thread.

Definitely less broken all-round, but there are some very core gameplay fix mods released in the last 10 days, would suggest having a look at the nexus.

Anything good that i'm missing?
It's a bit sad that bannerlordtweaks and the lighting fix have fucked up for me since the last 2 patch releases.

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>literally says modders will finish it for them
>still gets a defense force
Ngl, kinda wish Taleworlds failed instead of releasing this to EA.


>Talk like a Medieval woman please.
What's that

Literally an incel mod.

Oi you tokin shit mate, me and me forest ban- me mean me boattania mate gun fok yur shit up!

Bunch of alt-right incels decided they didn't like that Taleworlds included women that aren't just there to be sex objects for them, so they changed that.

Yas Forums mod

he asked for the functionality not your limpwristed politics

Never even knew that mod was a thing, but this butthurt makes me want to use it.

Ugh...just don't. Yikes. Stay away from that mod the vanilla women are fine.

My mods are ded!

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>it's now Yas Forums or "alt-right" to acknowledge what women were literally like in medieval ages
you just rewrite history in your own head on the fly don't you

>he dunnae like tae bes fakshen
yer a wee fooken imperial gobshite a'll fook yer moom with me archars

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Man I feel like asking about that mod was a terrible mistake.

you're not the one at fault

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It's a fictional game not historical. Even if your incel understanding of history wasn't flawed, you can't argue historicity.
TW isn't strong on character making but they did a great job with strong females. I applaud them and it's much easier for me to play when I have some representation as a woman that isn't camp followers (oppressed whores) or a pretender queen dismissed as naggy or crazy.

>MEGA with the patches got the axe
Pirate bros....

>acknowledging women weren't historically warrior-lord conquerors is "incel understanding of history"
it's hilarious that reality is so offensive to you that you have to come up with your own

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I know you're trolling user, but you're still a massive faggot and I really hope your mother dies in her sleep tonight.

Hilariously enough, It's really not Yas Forums-tier. It just cuts out poorly veiled feminist writing that is extremely jarring IN A MEDIEVAL GAME.

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Seethe incel and go back to your shitty Nazi banners and Trump memes.

>if warband came out today we'd see bitching and a mod about Ymira, Klethi, and that other bitch
you people really are reverse SJWs

I still don't know what it does.
Like i'm curious on what it ends up changing, not the politics behind it

Any porn mods yet?

>poorly veiled feminist writing

>is capable of doing things on her own without a man doing it for her

Holy shit. Get some actual examples out there so everyone can see how wrong you are.

Ymira and Klethi were canonically raped by bandits

>so blinded by his incel anger that he can't identify obvious trolling
how long until you kill yourself, user?

Wait one second -- I have that mod. I'm a /his/ fag and that was the entire reason I got it. I know this game is fictional, but it's still heavily based around proper medieval functioning society. And I'm about a left leaning as a person on Yas Forums can get.

How is it a Yas Forums mod? If anything it's a /his/ mod.

and yet we would still see bitching about them anyway

What is the worst faction in the game?

where do you think the hair is

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Fuck off, Sargon.

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post comparisons of the vanilla text and mod text. the author doesnt provide it

it changes backstory text

You didn't even get an answer. Fuck faggot leftys, at least give a damn answer instead of getting triggered.

chilling out

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Spoiler: She's not wearing a fur cloak

>can't tell the difference between anger and laughing
just picture I'm whatever makes you feel better

no I wouldn't? I want women to be raped in my games

laughing at what? an imaginary enemy that guy was trolling you with?