What compelled Nomura to write this?

What compelled Nomura to write this?

Attached: time guards.png (704x492, 525.31K)

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he sold a lot of kingdom hearts

The desire to surprise players with new things constantly

What’s compelled you to spam this every day

First time I've ever made this thread

The people who actually liked FF7, just like the original game
FF7R is for the Advent Children emo cloud group who never actually played the game

Nojima's the writer though.

prove it

The goal of creating a product like this is to generate conversation and buzz, not to write something with emotion and meaning. Nonsense generates conversation because it gets a reaction and fans will try to figure out what's going on even if the writer doesn't know himself.

Nomura was responsible for the broad story beats.

Attached: Leaked Remake Scene.webm (1280x896, 2.94M)

Really I think it's because they thought they needed -something- to "hook" players into coming back for Part 2.

i still say it needs roche doing flips and other stupid shit, maybe while the bridge is collapsing. he doesn't have an OG model though

is the rest of the game not good enough?

>Kitase says that he is relieved that they have managed to deliver something that fans have been waiting for for 23 years. He says that while FFVII Remake can be enjoyed fully on its own, the story will still continue. VII Remake shows players the great possibilities while leaving many hints, and he hopes that fans will speculate about what comes next on social media. He says that they too hope that they will grow alongside the project while communicating with fans.

>Nomura says that Final Fantasy VII Remake’s release does not overwrite the original Final Fantasy VII. The original is the origin, and VII Remake is only possible because of the original. He hopes that fans of the original will be able to enjoy the new yet nostalgic parts and differences from the original, and play it with the same feelings as those touching FFVII for the first time with Remake. He says that while this is the first of multiple parts, he thinks that it has the volume of one entire game on its own, and hopes that players enjoy it.

I'm excited for Sephiroth's adventures through time. Can't wait to see Nomura and Nojima's updated modern take on classic moments.

Attached: Episode 2 preview.gif (600x540, 1022.47K)

More because the Midgar section is not an entire story and has no real climax to speak of so they added a bunch of cosmically import shit so they could pretend it was a full JRPG rather than just an intro chapter. The thing is, the Kiseki games do the whole "intro" game followed by "climax" game thing and make it work with less fucking money, why can't square?

Well jeez maybe they should've remade the entire game instead of splitting it up into multiple games.

Yeah but think of the returns you can get from recycling assets, animations, effects, and base code three or four times over.

It needs someone to edit in journalist review quotes like Jim Sterling "FF7 Remake is a subversion genius".

The ghosts need to push them in.

Kitase-san: There are two main reasons. Firstly, the way we handled Sephiroth in the original FINAL FANTASY VII was to hide him - hold him back.

You may not know this, but I was inspired by the movie Jaws which took a similar approach of teasing this powerful presence, but never fully showing you the shark until later in the story. We wanted to build him up as this really big, powerful character in people’s minds. By only referring to him indirectly, it created this feeling of fear and oppression - so when he makes his first appearance, it’s a big deal.

But for the remake, that doesn’t work so well - partly because everybody knows who Sephiroth is (laughs)! We didn’t think it would be as effective to have him held back until later on in the story.

Secondly, Sephiroth is this massively overarching presence that looms over the whole FINAL FANTASY VII saga. We wanted to make sure that aspect of him was present in this first game in the project - that’s why we have introduced him much earlier in the story now.

They wanted to milk fans with episodic releases but knew they couldn't hook new players without blowing their load on Sephiroth early.

Ego. He didn't want to make a remake. He wanted to make the MGS2 of remakes.

I can't get over the fact there are fucking time jannies in final fantasy

Do they do it for free?

>Sepiroth can literally appear out of portals
>No one really questions this
They’ve used him in the most contrived way. He appears whenever the plot needs him too, with no reason or logic behind why he does.
Just give him a moustache to twirl already.

I finished the game half an hour ago. Fuck the ending.
I loved the combat except for the bullshit flying enemies. Aero misses them 9/10 times. And getting interrupted when casting a spell or ability is bullshit.
The story was very hit or miss but mostly shit. Fuck time jannies and fuck Nomura.

>And getting interrupted when casting a spell or ability is bullshit.
This, fucking hate it, it still costs you MP/ATB even if you didn’t get to cast the spell, and the more powerful spells have long cast times.
Can happen on limit breaks too.

They should've saved time jannies for the ff8 remake. Now we'll get something more retarded since they're not gonna use the same idea twice

Nomura wasn't the main writer you cucks

Attached: EVqyy7jXQAA_Rxa.jpg (680x383, 10.38K)


Nomura doesn't write dialogue or each individual scene, but he planned the basic story.

Whenever Sephiroth is not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Sephiroth?"

>the 1 on 1 fight with sephiroth at the end has been retconned to cloud just magically teleport to him and actually fight instead of being a battle inside clouds mind against the remaining influence of jenova
Can't wait for geostigma next game, advent children sucked.

Yeah, this has been explained several times before but even though Nomura himself didn't write every line of the script he did oversee the process and had creative control over the direction. Not to say that the writing staff is any more capable, but Nomura certainly had his hands in all of it as well

It fits

from a business standpoint, they must have thought that surprising the players for the next installment meant more money than people knowing exactly what was going to happen next.

I get that they wanted to shoehorn a Sephiroth fight into this game... But why not just move the Nibelheim flashback to take place in Midgar instead of Kalm? Or have the party catch Sephiroth in the act of killing President Shinra? Would have accomplished this goal without the bullshittery.

Don't you know user? Each game is made by exactly one person: the one whose name Yas Forums brainlet shitheads are most familiar with.

>But why not just move the Nibelheim flashback to take place in Midgar instead of Kalm?
They couldn't afford to make that many environments. Fuck, they couldn't afford to make the environments they did make for the game, which is why they look so lo-res.

Oh I forgot about that. Also that limits can miss. During a boss fight in hojos lab, I used Tifa's limit break and it completely missed. I was so pissed.
And yeah during the second to last boss I got interrupted three times try to magnify cast curaga. So infuriating. I don't know if there's any way to prevent it. Like is there an item or spell that prevents being interrupted?

So I'm guessing they blew their load too early and now every part will have to have an ending Sephiroth battle until the final one where he changes forms but by then it'll feel stale and end anti-climactically. Or Cloud faces Zack.

Just switch characters. All enemies aggro on the player controlled character.

I'd say that's a reasonable concern. I understand wanting to send off the first installment on a high note with lots of pageantry, but it's also going to be a pace setter for the titles to come. At this rate Super Nova will actually make it in to the final fight and be played 100% straight