Chrono Trigger

>cited multiple times as one of the greatest games of all time
>financial success
>universal appeal
>Square never gave it a sequel, or a remake, or a remaster, or anything
I don't get it.

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chrono chross exists

They gave it Radical Dreamers and Chrono Cross, both of which were mistakes.

it will be shit and they know it

>Square never gave it a sequel
Two sequels. Radical Dreamers and Chrono Cross.
Two rereleases, PSX and DS, both of which added endings, the latter which added a new final boss and extra endgame dungeons. Both changes being completely unnecessary, honestly.

It was a fast and loose time at Square who was rushing to get stuff on the PS1 above all other priorities.

>what is Chrono Cross
>what is Chrono Trigger DS

please enjoy chrono cross and mobile port, user-kun

>a sequel
Where's Lucca?
Where's Marle?
Where's Crono?
Where's Magus?
Where's Robo?
Where's Frog?

It's more like a spin off than a sequel.

Its really weird. I remember "Chrono Break" floating around for years but nothing ever came of it (the trade mark expired years ago).
Most people wouldn't trust current SE to handle the game, but I've found that aside from mainline FF games, they've had some success recently so I would welcome a remaster/sequel

RD's soundtrack is great though, although it only added fucking retarded nonsense to the plot.

>Two rereleases

>Just get the biggest names in the industry to work together again bro
It's not that simple

is just a port of the mobile version

CT DS came out over 10 years ago user

>another zoomers still get HYPED over remakes and reboots
what the fuck is wrong with you? just let it be.

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Chrono Trigger is guarded by the DQ guy (not Toriyama). It is effectively protected from further sequel baiting and any rereleases are guarded and (if bad) fixed.
It will remain so unless the man dies, or Square gets even more desperate and begs hard.
Best hope would be a spiritual successor from Square proper.

>Where's Lucca?
>Where's Marle?
>Where's Crono?
Time Ghosts
>Where's Magus?
He's Guile, who lost his memory after he failed to save Schala from the Dream Devourer. This is canon as of the DS release.
>Where's Robo?
Integrated into FATE as the Prometheus Circuit. Then unceremonious deleted.
>Where's Frog?
420 years in the past, spared from the retcons and nonsense. Luckily CC had the decency to undue itself at the end, so all the Porre/Time Ghost/Time Crash shit unhappened after you free Schala.
>Where is Chrono Break?
It's a phone game called Another Eden. It's alright.

It did get a sequel. Kato never wanted to do it and used it as a platform to do whatever the fuck crazy shit he wanted to do. It underperfomed. Then the DS rerelease underperformed. Then SE shelved it forever.

>Chrono Cross
pick one

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Why would they rerelease it again though if there's nothing new to add? Just as a cash grab for zoomers who never played it before? Who cares.

Not everything needs a direct sequel you dipshit

>used it as a platform to do whatever the fuck crazy shit he wanted to do
Which just so happened to be a bunch of plotlines cut from Xenogears (Demihuman genocide, save points manipulating life paths, girls fused to extradimensional entities).

>chrono chross exists
Sadly. An unfinished pile of shit.

A real remaster like the Mana games got or another sequel would be ideal

Chrono's coming home!!!

Or a Cross remaster which is MUCH more needed

Imagine if they made a sequel of FF7 instead of a remake and Cloud, Tifa & Barret were just ghost that spoke to the new less appealing protagonist for less than 20 minutes.

especially when one of them owns the script to block square from raping it in a remake

>Imagine if they made a sequel of FF7 instead of a remake
>Cloud, Tifa & Barret were just ghost
You do realize that's literally what happened right? Remake IS a sequel and you fight the whisperized versions of Cloud, Tifa and Barret in the second to final boss fight.

chrono builders

Wake up, Chrono!

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oh, the memories...

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Occasionally, Reddit gets something right
>I cannot explain this in any way other than Masato Kato having no love for his cooperative work with Yuji Horii and wanting to approve himself as a solo Chrono series writer. IMO Yuji Horii is why Chrono Trigger story is way better. Masato Kato with all due respect had far less writing experience and he probably fell for the "more crazy stuff = better" trap without the supervision of Horii-sama.
Kato has a massive inferiority complex and hated playing second fiddle to the dream team during CT. He tried to show his genius with CC. We all know how that turned out.
He then tried to sabotage Xenogears several times. The guy is like the worst qualities of Kojima and Nomura rolled into one producer.

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Square Enix will fuck up a direct sequel in current year. I hope that they never make one.