Why hasn't any modern game purposely emulated the shitty 90s CG look? it's so fucking comfy

why hasn't any modern game purposely emulated the shitty 90s CG look? it's so fucking comfy

Attached: reboot.png (854x480, 647.96K)

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Reboot was great and still holds up

fuck reboot was great

gonna binge that shit now, thanks user
as for your Q;

idk, i have seen some shit that emus mid 90s FPS look, but nothing like that mid 90s PS1 style look

give it time, someone will get it wrong, er, right.

just play n64 bro

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no talent.

I recently rewatched it and understood a LOT of jokes I didn't get as a kid.

This guy's name is Ray Tracer. And everyone hates him.

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How Mainframe's visuals get worse going from Beast Wars and Reboot's original run to Beast Machines

>Videogames LITERALLY turned Enzo violent.
That was fucking cheeky, in hindsight.

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And he was a huge Motorola shill

what was that stupid scifi game that had the chick with the ass for a hair, revolution 60?

I say give it time, for the longest time all indi games were emulating 8bit or 16bit style, now they are all emulating PS1 games, I'm sure they will eventually try to copy those 90s cgi cartoons as well.

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unironically SOUL as fuck show

Attached: mainframe_info.png (1618x1214, 3.82M)

Revolution 60 did just that, albeit unintentionally. Tell me how it went

Every time I'm about to beat something in a video game and the game crashes, I know it's these little fucks that don't want to lose a total war game.

Reboot, more like Repoop.

go to trek.church to watch this and other old shows with anons. or not desu. imho beast wars is the ultimate 3d kino

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>Data Scully and Fox Modem
I love shit puns

Beast wars and reboot are god tier.

Attached: hey kid wanna ss.jpg (800x450, 70.22K)

Beast wars was the TNG of transformers.

ahh yes early 90s CGI


is that his mommy ? ??

I loved the "shit got real" episodes early cartoons and animations rarely had that had long term effects on the series as whole.

Best 90s cartoon opening? youtube.com/watch?v=_uuJULBkHG4 Although I guess Swat Kats was cool too. youtube.com/watch?v=H0IQBWWabuU

How old were you when Reboot started getting really fucking good?

Attached: web_world_wars8.png (640x480, 245.57K)

>swat cats


the SNES game was kinda decent


Except Beast Wars was good

Yeah these days cartoons care too much about resetting the status quo.

Also, funny enough both Reboot and Beast Wars started their "shit got real" streak by launching the main character into space to die.

Batman animated series opening still reigns supreme, fags

funny you should say that. trek.church into browser

>donkey kong TV show

shit was cash


>Game over.
>User wins.
Name a more kino scene, i'll wait. Can still clearly hear Dot's scream from that moment.

Why was Jubilee so fucking useless? Couldn't they have upgraded her powers, or pull some bullshit where they say that she was still growing so that in later episodes she was throwing nuclear bombs instead of fireworks?

>the reboot reboot
I'm almost glad it was so terrible that its been forgotten already but I would have preferred it didn't exist
Also anyone here seen shadowraiders?
That was also a really good show.


Because AAA companies are never going to risk releasing a game that looks that "bad", and the indie scene isn't quite there yet. Just wait a few years, and it'll surely happen. Indie shit is getting to the point where any random goober can pump out PS1 tier graphics games, so we're almost there. Plus we need the people in charge to be nostalgic for this era, which is also almost here.

Oh fuck shadowraiders. I almost forgot about that show.
Loved it's opening theme.
I had the ice planet as a toy.

i remember the long ass hiatus after this episode aired and got goosebumps when CN aired the start of s3


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I wish we could have more sci-fi cartoons
it seems we get nothing but fantasy or urban fantasy

That Brianna Wu game basically looked like Reboot, but it was probably on accident and just genuine ineptitude.

before the gay shit volton on netflix had
