Vidya images that make you go hmmm

vidya images that make you go hmmm

Attached: ff_rufus.jpg (1000x1000, 433.08K)

They both look like they date men though

The only difference I see is the added belts, which is pretty dumb

what is with the japs and fucking belts, this shit doesn't look practical at all

>concept art vs in game model

And changed his hair from strawberry blond to platinum blond, making his name of Rufus (RED) mean nothing. Also due to his name it is kinda implied Scarlet is his mom.

Nomura literally designed both. His style just evolved over 2 decades, you secondaries.

Nomura strikes again

It looks too juvenile. someone that becomes the head of everything wears those belts.

Its literally one guy who is responsible.

He wasnt gay enough in the original design. Nomura got out of the closet since then

No, he became a complete hack with no leash.


No scar is pretty lame

looks like the chink clothes that /fa/ would laugh at

Attached: Rufus_Shinra_from_Final_Fantasy_VII_Remake_artwork.png (721x1822, 758.3K)

Nomura was always a hack

Rufus's boss fight seems like it should be in a Stylish Action game. Dante or Raiden should be fighting him as a mid game boss.

Attached: 1548387762359.png (440x243, 147.22K)

That wasn't a scar, that was a strand of hair the whole time.

-A rich boy with a mean attitude
-Regular blonde hair
-Broad shoulders
-Sawed shotgun
-Serious military grade boots under the suit
-The trenchcoat is a bit flamboyant buy not crazy enough

-Femenine features
-Bleached hair
-Slim shoulders and waist
-The trenchcoat is a fucking skirt now
-Belts, belts everywhere
-Flashy chuuni guns

Yes, i agree. Doesn't matter the left is an concept artwork drawn by an artist [insert name here] based on Nomura's ideas, while the right one is an in-game model based on Nomura's ideas 20 years later.

So like every male designed by Nomura?


But Tidus doesn't look like he's into boys.

They used the AC design just like everything else in the game. Shouldn't come as a surprise.

why does he wear a jacket over what appears to be some sort of trench coat?

OP fucking EXPOSED

really? the hell? it clearly looks like a scar there and here too
Nomura has always been a hack I guess

It made me angry as fuck how he was parrying all my attacks.

You guys like to poke fun of it but you have to admit...the belts do look cool

Just Braver his stupid girly face on reload.

Maybe it was a clue that you should try to parry his. The game doesnt make a good job at it tho