FF7 Remake is nothing but button mashi-

FF7 Remake is nothing but button mashi-

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it's not but I'm kind of disappointed hard mode isn't really hard. I just got to chapter 8 and I'm having an easier time than my first playthrough.


the fuck is a mashig? fucking retard.

You know how to play the system and it's not like enemies changed in weaknesses and patterns really.

mashiggy diggy


it was just too long

the enemy aggressiveness is fine, you're still easily able to heal more than they can hurt you though.

you're not doing it right, then

But no items

this fight was one of the moments that makes you realize how great the game could’ve been if it wasn’t half filler bullshit

I finished the game thanks


I'm at the same point and the toughest enemy so far has been the final Sector 7 quest dog

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Absolutely kino fight. Even better on hard mode.

right back at you user. That exact feeling.

if you think the fight s too long, git gud and cut the time in half, homo.

>babysitting stupid ai

this to be desu, also the Jenova remix.

Damage Sponge bosses are so fun because I didn't bother to equip one of every elemental materia to destroy its shield...

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You didn't even ask how long it took me. You were too busy being an obnoxious e-thug. Because you didn't want to know, you just pounced on another scrap of internet superiority opportunity without thinking, that's all you cared about.

>Didn't bother to prepare for anything when most of the game tells you that offensive magic plays a big part in staggering a lot of enemies
Wah whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

look at this faggot

I just beat the game but for the love god can somebody explain what these time jannies are?

>hurr durr amarite fellas?

They're spirits from the future of the OG timeline who are trying to keep the remake on course

Not him, but you really are a faggot.

Actually, I am him. But you're still a faggot.

then why did midgar blow up in front of zack

>internet superiority opportunity
>pounces on you you OwO

>Midgar blow up
Midgar didn't blow up. That was the time jannies getting BTFO and destroyed by Cloud and party

so much bickering
not a single waifu

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God damn the only thing I hate about the Remake is that it forced me to love Aerith more than Tifa and I never thought that would happen.


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you're in luck

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i like her fangs

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It's not by much. Not by much but Aerith is undeniably perfect in this remake.
And it's because of how energetic she is and cheery. I mean ffs she looks down a line of soldiers and introduces her a "LOCAL FLORIST!" when asked who they think they are.

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Is ATB assist bugged or something? It works once then never again or is it only a one time per battle?

She's definitely best girl in the remake although I do like Tifa too

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>re ended 2 years ago
Time flies, the party’s over too
