Why is it so widely considered the worst mainline Final Fantasy?

Why is it so widely considered the worst mainline Final Fantasy?

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It's not, and it's a pretty nice game with a great story.

15 is the worst by far

It's not and never has been but go on

Have you even looked in the general direction of 2?

Pretty sure its either 8 or 9 thats considered the worst

This, or arguably FF13 + Sequels.

The series has been in a downward spiral for decades now.


>Few open areas, can't revisit places for most of the game
>Unskippable cutscenes
>Lead is annoying (at least at first)

you're looking for 13 my friend. 10 does suck though.

9 is widely considered among the best and 8 was a weird game but definitely better than any post-PS1 FF.

13 was at least a finished game even if it was bad. 15 had half the game come in DLC's.

>Receive the X remaster as a gift, remember enjoying the little bit I played when it first came out
>Everyone has an uncanny valley tight face

What the fuck were they thinking?

Everyone hated 12 when it released, the worst one though is probably 15 if we exclude the first 2 games for their simplicity

It isn't.

7 > 6 > 9 > 8 > 12 > 10 > rest no one really cares about > 13 trilogy > 15

13 is the worst by a mile

Because people forget FF2 exists.

>remake could have been a great introduction for new fans

>looks and sounds like a monstrosity due to cheap chinese devs

You don't need to lie if you want to make a FFX thread

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The clothes and backgrounds for the most part all look better but for some reason all the faces look worse. I don't know what the fuck they were smoking when they were working on it.

I don't think I've ever met anyone who enjoyed 9.
I only see it mentioned on here as a good game.

>X worse than II
no one has said this until you made this utter shit thread

That's not FF2, FF5, FF13 or FF15 depending on who you ask so I dunno what you're talking about OP, people seem to consider FF10 usually in the top 3

It's not.

came here to say this

I guess if you cut out all the plot and mash it together incoherently you could call it finished...

To be fair though, i have played a lot more FF13 than FF15.

The general hate behind this game is from it's linearity and AHAHAHAHA.

But it's easily an 8/10.

It's almost universally considered to be the second best mainline after VII. Only other one SE was willing to try a direct sequel for.

It has good combat and summoning.
Sadly the characters are fucking shit outside of like three.

Vote in this poll


>It's almost universally considered to be the second best mainline after VII.

Really nigga? People always talk about VI or IX being the best before even VII, let alone X.

It's most japanese people's favourite one

Yunie is best girl

It may not be a mainline game. But its worth mentioning that FFT is one of the best games associated with the name, and its not on the list.

Am I alone in enjoying the comfyness of 15? It definitely has the worst gameplay but the world is engrossing and I’m a sucker for a return of the king story

FF7 fags mad that the protag isn't a emo gay boy

It's far from the best Final Fantasy, but it's much, much farther from being the worst. The story itself is actually pretty good, but it's not paced well and the cast can be annoying in a lot of places which isn't helped by the VA's in both languages. The gameplay is easily the best turn-based combat the series ever had, the shift to ARPG afterward really killed the franchise since they have yet to make the action part and the RPG part mesh well.

Mediocre writing. 12 was the only mainline entry that bucked the downward trend 10 started, but I liked 7R

Its not.

Can someone explain why 8 is considered the black sheep?

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It was voted by the Japs to be their best FF

>nobody cares about IV
>nobody cares about V
>nobody cares about XIV

you're retarded

The fuck you smoking? Every game after it is worse.

They got filtered.

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spoony cocksuckers

You never played FF7, did you?

If I include that I have to include shit like FF adventure and Crystal chronicles and WOFF and much more

Gaping plot holes, broken junction system (skills/magic/items/etc), favors constantly summoning, mostly annoying cast.

I has some great features though. 10/10 music, huge world to explore, triple triad, Quistis, etc.

In the original ps2 game they had two models. One for gameplay (with ugly face graphics) and one for cutscenes (with good face graphics and movements (for a ps2 game))

In the remaster they have only one model and it looks like the/a gameplay one.

< picture is ps2 cutscene vs ps3 remaster cutscene

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Nah it’s comfy as fuck. Put 100 hours into it. Still a bad game.

The open world parts were very comfy. Just wish there was more to do in it besides picking stuff up and visiting gas stations. Needed more full towns you could drive into and other noteworthy sites. Also the area you could actually travel to was really quite small, especially when you see the larger maps associated with that world.

It's where all the major problems of the franchise began. Voice acting brought the dumbing down of dialogues, and all those little moments of Japanese writing soul were gradually lost forever. It also abandoned the ATB system and made the game even easier by introducing the possibility to swap team members inside the battle. Also the removal of the world map, long hallways with no backtracking... it's a decent game but pales in comparison with the greatest ones.

I like it a lot. I would say it's close to my favorite. People don't like it because it's a hallway. The other games are hallways too but then they remove the walls from the hallway at certain points and a lot of people like that.

I guess. I am just not convinced FFX-2, FF13-2, or Lightning Returns as mainline games.

And that warrants it the title of worst FF? Worse than any other one? Really FF can't get worse than that?
I'd say FFX is very high on the downward curve.

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It isn't though. Xiii is, and XV's reception was mixed. XIII was the first actively hated FF game, minus release XIV. The past decade has been a shitshow for square.

>It also abandoned the ATB system
ATB system hugely dumbed down final fantasy's combat

They are numbered. LR barely.

Gonna have to agree on the annoying party members, zell's a fag, selphie is autistic and rinoa is a 3 year old in an adult body.

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