I love this game so much bros

I love this game so much bros.

Attached: resident-evil-2-box-art-01-ps4-us-12dec18.jpg (1200x1600, 482.27K)

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Yeah, paychecks are awesome

REmake 3 is better

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I really wish RE3make was just RE2make but better.
Instead it's an unfinished pseudo action romp that's still fun but keeps forcing you to imagine what could have been.

I like it too
not exactly better, but it's a good too :)

Why do people who defend this game like OP sound like literal children or paid shills?

One of the greatest video games of all time. History will remember it as such and won't even bother to remember le edgy hardgame streamerbait that won goty despite being an objectively worse game.

better characters

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why do you sound like a faggot

Bros this game is hot ass garbage


This game is bad though bro

Both were my Goties of that year, but I gave Sekiro the edge just because I had more playtime. But yeah... looking back, RE2 is my favourite. I just keep feeling like replaying it, what a fucking experience. Might even go for S Rank, fuck it.

Me too. It's legitimately the best Resident Evil game.

B...b...bros? I'm scared. I need my blinky because this game is stinky

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Why do you sound like an incel?


>being a company cocksucker for free


Attached: carlos.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

No it's not bro

Wish every RE game was co-op.

Would be cool to have one in the classic puzzling style.

>some faggot made this mod
>some other faggot downloaded it
>some other faggot downloaded it and made a webm for Yas Forums
Smh tbqh Senpai

You sound like an emasculated woman. If you wonder why you are a virgin still, this is probably it. I bet you unironically use the word "comfy" too? Yea bro nothing makes a girl wetter than hearing the word comfy come out of a man child.

Bro come on

>I really wish RE3make was just RE2make but better.
The gameplay is the exact same you absolute fucking trog

So 0?

Everybody getting so mad because somebody enjoys a game. What exactly is wrong with these people?

Attached: bane.jpg (1280x720, 93.94K)

I'm not your bro, pal.

Comfyfags don't play horror wtf

OP is a manchild you can tell. Doesn't like his opinion challenged. Probably has a "confy" room with childish toys everywhere. He doesn't have a girlfriend though and never will
